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with vapenexport as keyword
Wehrling, Freja
Sweden’s role internationally is often cited as a paradox which is argued to have its origin in the opposition between the state’s international humanitarianism and its large arms export. The tension here has often been examined from the perspectives of militarization in research on the subject. This thesis instead argued that a comprehensive under...
Celiker, Cassandra
Swedens exports arms to Pakistan despite the existence of laws and conventions on what specific countries must achieve in order to meet the criteria for being exported to. In a realpolitik perspective, this study will deepen and investigate how the Swdish government can approve an arms export to Pakistan and how human rights are violated in Pakista...
Ekenbro, Alexander
Gashi, Edvinn
In late 2014, Sweden became the first country in the world to adopt what it described as ”feminist foreign policy”. This was immediately met by both praise and criticism. While those who praised pointed to its relevance given the current state of global affairs; those who criticized it, did so because of its near utopian fantasies of global politic...
Demner, Jonathan
Bergström, Susanna
I uppsatsen undersöktes huruvida regeringen och riksdagen påverkats av ett New Public Management perspektiv (förkortat NPM) i lagstiftningsarbetet om vapenexport under åren 1981 till och med årsskiftet 2015/2016. Undersökningen består av en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ analys del av ämnet och materialet utgjordes av propositioner i ämnet. Det sakn...
Johansson, Louise
In 2005 the Swedish social democratic government settled a defense treaty with Saudi Arabia. Ten years later, a new Social democratic government ends the treaty. This thesis will study the Social democratic party’s motives behind their actions regarding the treaty. Kjell Goldmanns theory regarding the three fields of interest concerning state’s for...
Forsberg, Jan
Ericsson, Lina
The problem area of the study concerns the current debate and claim that much of the Swedish weapon export contradicts the Human Rights criterion and condition for non-armed conflicts set down by the Swedish regulatory framework governing weapon exports. Since these factors are crucial aspects pertaining to recipient countries in granting of ex-por...