Le président Erdoğan ne cesse d’instrumentaliser l’histoire turque pour ressusciter une vision impériale de sa politique. Ainsi, il met en valeur l’héritage du passé ottoman, y compris pour mettre en scène son projet de programme spatial, outil d’une nouvelle souveraineté s’inscrivant dans le prolongement du patrimoine turc.
Des données anonymisées de téléphonie mobile peuvent offrir de nouvelles perspectives pour comprendre la mobilité des réfugiés syriens en Turquie. Nous utilisons les données fournies par Türk Telekom, l'une des principales sociétés de téléphonie mobile en Turquie, dans le cadre du projet D4R (Data for Refugees) pour analyser comment la ségrégation ...
Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus (CABYV) causes yellowing symptoms on the older leaves of plants from several species in the Cucurbitaceae family. Previous phylogenetic analyses showed the existence of two major clades of CABYV isolates related to their geographic origin – Asian vs European-African (Mediterranean) groups. To provide an understand...
Cucurbits are widely grown vegetables in different provinces of Turkey. However their production is restricted by pests and pathogens including different plant viruses, among which Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) is particularly damaging. Infections by this virus during the early stages of plant development causes deformation of fruits and sign...
We investigate empirically market interactions in the Turkish wild and farmed sea bass and sea bream markets. For gilthead sea bream and European sea bass, we conduct a Granger causality test between the prices of the wild and farmed products, based on the estimation of a vector autoregressive model. Our data set consists of annual fish prices from...
We investigate empirically market interactions in the Turkish wild and farmed sea bass and sea bream markets. For gilthead sea bream and European sea bass, we conduct a Granger causality test between the prices of the wild and farmed products, based on the estimation of a vector autoregressive model. Our data set consists of annual fish prices from...
The work aims to investigate the effects of different soil management strategies on carbon sequestration and total nitrogen in areas of vineyards suffering from loss of soil functionality. Treatments, selected for inter-row management, to re-install soil functionality were based on compost or other organic amendments (COMP), green manure (GM), and ...