Pardo Vásquez, Caren Yuliet Gómez Rodríguez, Giovanni
Artificial intelligence has been a technology that is constantly innovating interaction, consumption and expression in society itself. It is essential to examine the interaction and link between corporate social responsibility and artificial intelligence. To analyze the impact of artificial intelligence on corporate social responsibility commitment...
al ahmari, ali neyaz, farah shuraim, faisal al ghamdi, abdul rahman al boug, ahmad alhlafi, mesfer al jbour, sharif angelici, francesco m. alaamri, saleh al masabi, khalid
In the present study, we updated the taxonomy and distributional data for 14 carnivore species based on previous records and the recent results of camera trapping (4787 camera nights from 58 locations) and depicted species richness. We then identified threats and the conservation measures that are practiced to ensure the protection of the carnivore...
fernández-férez, alba berthe-kone, ousmane granero-heredia, gonzalo correa-casado, matías jiménez-lasserrotte, maría del mar martínez-bordajandi, álvaro granero-molina, josé
Background: Dignity is a key element in end-of-life care. Patients with advanced illness attend the emergency department to seek symptom relief but may find their dignity under threat in these services. Objective: The purpose of the study was to explore the threats to dignity perceived by people with advanced illnesses who are treated in emergency ...
Zdunek, Przemyslaw Bouazza, Abdellah Martínez del Mármol, Gabriel
International audience
Nemade, Bhushankumar Kishor Maharana, Kiran Kulkarni, Vikram Srivardhankumar, Ch Shelar, Mahendra
Published in
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence
s. daboué, edith m. béné, ali dimobe, kangbéni dayamba, djibril s. zouré, aboubacar b. ouattara, bassiaka sabo, prospère tuina, sévérin neya, oblé vinceti, barbara
Securidaca longipedunculata Fresen, a medicinal tree indigenous to tropical Africa, faces threats due to root overharvesting and limited occurrence. This study assessed the extent of variation in the morphological traits and germination of seeds collected from populations located across the Sudano-Sahelian and Sudanian climatic zones in Burkina Fas...
Clausen, Thomas Pihl-Thingvad, Jesper Villadsen, Ebbe Andersen, Lars L
Published in
Scandinavian journal of public health
To investigate whether acts of offensive behaviour (threats, violence, workplace bullying and sexual harassment) in the workplace and type of perpetrator (internal or external to the workplace) of the offensive behaviours predicted risk of disability pension in Danish eldercare workers. We merged survey responses from 8731 female eldercare workers ...
Huard, Jacqueline R. Hemming, Victoria Baker, Matthew R. Blancard, Jennifer Bruce, Ian Cook, Sarah Davoren, Gail K. Dionne, Phillip East, Virginia Hipfner, J. Mark
Published in
Frontiers in Marine Science
Like many forage fish species, Pacific sand lance (Ammodytes personatus) play a key role in nearshore marine ecosystems as an important prey source for a diverse array of predators in the northeastern Pacific. However, the primary threats to Pacific sand lance and their habitat are poorly defined due to a lack of systematic data. Crucial informatio...
slišković, merica božić, katja mikuličić, jelena žanić kolanović, ines
In the European Union, regulations and policies have been established to prevent and manage invasive alien species (IAS). The EU Regulation 1143/2014/EC, commonly known as the IAS Regulation, identifies species that pose significant ecological risks, requiring a coordinated response across all EU Member States. These species are classified as “spec...
moshawrab, mohammad adda, mehdi bouzouane, abdenour ibrahim, hussein raad, ali
With the ability to analyze data, artificial intelligence technology and its offshoots have made difficult tasks easier. The tools of these technologies are now used in almost every aspect of life. For example, Machine Learning (ML), an offshoot of artificial intelligence, has become the focus of interest for researchers in industry, education, hea...