orphanopoulos, carolina montero
This study examines the evolving concept of human vulnerability within the context of globalization and contemporary societal complexities. Its aim is to provide a comprehensive understanding of vulnerability’s proposed definition and its ethical relevance, particularly through an embodied ethical–theological lens. The research argues that this ant...
Ott, Taylor; 151245;
As the face of theology has changed considerably over the past decades, the conflicts between theology and the church have taken on new features and become more readily voiced. Far from this being seen as harmful to the church, I argue that conflict is prevalent throughout society and normative in theological anthropology, and therefore that living...
martins, alexandre
This essay offers a Latin American perspective of theological ethics developed from the preferential option for the poor, marked by dialogue and encounter with the poor in their reality. Considering the theological diversity of the region, the author focuses on a theological ethics developed in Brazil, especially the dialogical methods of Brazilian...
Boss, Marc
Bien qu’ils appartiennent à deux générations différentes du mouvement socialiste-religieux, Paul Tillich (1886-1965) et Paul Ricœur (1913-2005) ont conçu leurs engagements politiques en termes théologiques largement similaires. Leurs affinités électives sont particulièrement notables dans leurs efforts respectifs pour évaluer la portée théologique ...
stephens, darryl w.
This article by the guest editor introduces the theme of this special issue of Religions, reveals some of his underlying convictions and assumptions regarding the task of reenvisioning Christian ethics, and introduces each of the eight articles in this collection. Rather than a discipline, Christian ethics might more accurately be described as a fi...
keenan, james francis
This essay narrates and explores the work of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church (CTEWC) in developing a network that connects roughly 1500 Catholic ethicists around the world. It highlights the impact that CTEWC has had in encouraging Christian ethics to become more inclusive, active, and mindful in advancing a network that builds brid...
durheim, benjamin
Critical realism as a lens of thought is not new to theological inquiry, but recently a growing number of theologians have been using its conceptual frameworks to guide their thought on how social structures function theologically, and how ethics might function in light of its insights. This article pulls these developments into the nexus of liturg...
Bishop, Jeffrey P
Published in
The Journal of medicine and philosophy
The essays in this issue of JMP are devoted to critical engagement of my book, The Anticipatory Corpse The essays, for the most part, accept the main thrust of my critique of medicine. The main thrust of the criticism is whether the scope of the critique is too totalizing, and whether the proposed remedy is sufficient. I greatly appreciate these in...
Marschütz, Gerhard
Published in
Review of Ecumenical Studies Sibiu
To die in dignity is often understood as a personal right to independently determine the time and the way of one’s own death, assuming dignity as a quality of life that wouldn’t exist in serious illness or in the final stage of life. On the contrary and from a traditional point of view dignity belongs to a person’s being that can never get lost and...
Scott, Douglas V.
The globalization of political and economic processes is a growing moral concern for theologians and political philosophers alike. My thesis aims to outline, analyze, and compare church studies of globalization with global theories of justice. To do this, I draw upon recent studies of globalization made by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and th...