Arce, Rafael
Forty years after the return of democracy in Argentina, the state terror of the last dictatorship continues to be a subject for thinking in art and literature. Directly or indirectly, the political violence of those years became material for both fiction and non-fictional discourses, like chronicle and testimony. The history of literature, in turn,...
Peppino, Julieta
During the 1960s and the first half of the 1970s, producers and rural workers staged a process of formation and political organization in different provinces of northeastern Argentina. This process was promoted by young people belonging to the Rural Movement of Catholic Action, with the support of the bishops of the region and converged with other ...
Torres Vásquez, Henry
This article proposes a study of otherness, based on the analysis of the Colombian left-wing political party Unión Patriótica (UP), which between 1984 and 2002 suffered the murder of 4,153 of its members or supporters. The perpetrators of these behaviors were State agents, especially members of the Colombian army and members of paramilitary groups,...
Moreno Juárez, Sergio
Review of Santiago Garaño. Memorias de la prisión política durante el terrorismo de Estado en la Argentina (1974-1983). Los Polvorines: Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento - Universidad Nacional de La Plata - Universidad Nacional de Misiones, 2020, 154 pp. / Reseña de Santiago Garaño. Memorias de la prisión política durante el terrorismo de ...
Ortiz, María Laura
In this article we addressthe internal exile or insilio as one of the forms of affectation of State terrorism. The historical subject on which this research will focus is constituted by a fraction of the working class that had become involved with what was considered by the government as "subversion". An important part of those who, up to that mome...
Ayelén Mereb, Marina
Resumen: La figura del desaparecido como símbolo del terrorismo de Estado en Argentina ha sido profusamente abordada desde el retorno de la democracia a la actualidad. No obstante, aún existen problemas que requieren ser profundizados, tales como las actitudes sociales y la relación con el silencio en tramas locales. A partir del caso de Julio Schw...
Mereb, Marina Ayelén
The figure of the disappeared as a symbol of state terrorism in Argentina has been profusely addressed since the return of democracy to the present day. However, there are still problems that have to be deepened, such as social attitudes and the relationship with silence in local plots. Based on the case of Julio Schwartz, kidnapped in 1978 in the ...
Guglielmucci, Ana
This article analyzes how the memory of specific violent events was set as a public issue and became an object of Argentinian State policies. From an anthropological perspective based on field work carried out in Buenos Aires (between 2004 and 2019), we show some local peculiarities of the memory institutionalization process regarding State terrori...
Garaño, Santiago
This paper explores a number of cases of conscript Argentinian soldiers who disappeared while performing compulsory military service in the course of Operation Independence. It was a counterinsurgency military campaign carried out in the province of Tucumán, Argentina, in which, since February 1975, the enforced disappearance of persons was applied...
Andriotti Romanin, Enrique Salvador
Resumen. A finales de la década de los años 90 se realizó en Bahía Blanca, Argentina, uno de los denominados Juicios por la Verdad. En ese marco, el teniente coronel Julián Oscar Corres se convirtió en el primer militar argentino en actividad en brindar testimonio judicial tras las leyes y decretos que impidieron la persecución penal a los perpetra...