Hiemstra, J.A. de Vries, S. Spijker, J.H.
Greenery in and around houses and apartments is good for the (living) environment in and around the buildings. It has a positive effect on the health and general well-being of residents and visitors. This document provides information on how homes and well-being can benefit from greenery, including references to scientific literature. It concludes ...
Klemm, Wiebke
Urban heat problems due to global climate change and urbanization may pose a serious risk to thermal comfort related public health in cities. Urban green infrastructure (UGI), such as parks, gardens and street trees, has the ability to alleviate urban heat and improve residents’ thermal comfort during warm summer days. Research in the field of urba...
Bronts, H. M.
Published in
In het Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association stond onlangs een studie die de werkzaamheid onderzoekt van een textiel dat gecoat is met thermochromic liquid crystal (TLC). TLC-kristallen veranderen onder invloed van temperatuurverschillen van kleur en geven daarmee de temperatuur van de huid weer. Uit dit onderzoek blijkt dat de temp...
Spijker, J.H.
de meerwaarde van groen voor het welbevinden in de leeromgeving samengevat
Hiemstra, J.A. de Vries, S. Spijker, J.H.
Greenery in and around houses and apartments is good for the (living) environment in and around the buildings. It has a positive effect on the health and general well-being of residents and visitors. This document provides information on how homes and well-being can benefit from greenery, including references to scientific literature. It concludes ...
Qian, Tian
(Semi-)closed greenhouses have been developed over the last decades to conserve energy. In a closed greenhouse, window ventilation is fully replaced by mechanical cooling while solar heat is temporarily stored in an aquifer. A semi-closed greenhouse has a smaller cooling capacity than a closed greenhouse and, in which mechanical cooling is combined...
Beltman, W.H.J. Adriaanse, P.I. Jacobs, C.M.J. Mulder, H.M.
TOXSWA simuleert het gedrag van stoffen in oppervlaktewater om blootstellingsconcentratie te berekenen voor organismen die in water of sediment leven, als onderdeel van de aquatische risicobeoordeling van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen (GBM). Het vernieuwde concept voor de beschrijving van de temperatuur in het TOXSWA model werd getest aan de hand van e...
Verhage, Dina Sara Leonie
As a consequence of a sessile lifestyle, plants are constantly facing a fluctuating environment. In order to both profit maximally and protect themselves from these environmental cues, plants evolved ways to sense and respond to signals. Ambient temperature is one of the cues for which plants have acquired a strategy to enhance their chance of surv...
Spijker, J.H. de Vries, S.
Groen speelt een sleutelrol bij een gezonde leefomgeving. De gezondheidseffecten spelen op diverse manieren, maar vooral door de stressverlagende effecten van groen en de hittedempende werking op warme dagen. Het is daarbij wel belangrijk om niet alleen naar de kwantiteit maar ook naar de kwaliteit van het groen te kijken.
Leeggangers, Hendrika A.C.F.
The ornamental geophyte Tulipa gesneriana is the most cultivated bulbous species in the Netherlands. It is widely grown in the field for vegetative propagation purposes and in greenhouses for the production of high quality cut flowers. Over the last decade, the tulip bulb industry is affected by the rapid climate change the world is facing. Tempera...