Štular, Jurij
Besedilo magistrskega diplomskega dela začenjam z razčlembo političnih in ekonomskih okoliščin, ki so prispevale k oblikovanju obstoječega sistema vladavine na Kitajskem. V tretjem poglavju predstavim nekaj raznolikih koncepcij ideala vladavine prava, ki jih primarno razdelim na formalne in materialne. Znotraj četrtega poglavja se posvetim pregledu...
gordon, cameron elliott
A key question in the literature of technology in society is the degree to which technology is a product of society and vice versa. A related question is how the differing cross-causal lines between the two change both technological and social forms. This paper considers these questions by conducting a review of the literature on technology and soc...
Hiti Ožinger, Pino
Diplomsko delo obravnava kibernetski projekt planskega upravljanja s socialističnim gospodarstvom Synco v socialističnem obdobju Čila med letoma 1970 in 1973. Predstavljeni so tako širše poteze čilskega gospodarskega razvoja v temu obdobju kot ožji pogled na razvoj samega projekta. Obrazložena je tudi kibernetika kot teoretična podlaga za projekt, ...
Van Severen, Ruben Roets, Arne Van Muylem, Delphine Haesevoets, Tessa Van Hiel, Alain Wauters, Bram
Prior studies have linked societal threats to a surge in conservative attitudes. We conducted three studies (N = 1,021) to investigate whether hypothetical threat situations impact peoples' attitudes toward democracy or alternative systems. Study 1 shows that individuals under threat devaluate representative and participatory government types and s...
van 't Klooster, Jens; 132233;
status: published
Salgiriev, Ali Makhaev, Mair Dimaeva, Fatima Soltamuradov, Magomed Gaziev, Vakha
Published in
SHS Web of Conferences
The paper deals with technocracy as one of the ways to organize the political life of society and variants of the state system. The paper analyzes the concept of technocracy and provides an overview of the main classical concepts of technocracy. It states that the concept of technocracy does not have an unambiguous definition, but has three basic f...
Hoekstra, Rik Koolen, Marijn van Faassen, Marijke
Published in
Journal of Digital History
Glencross, Andrew
This article provides a Weberian ideal-type framework to capture elite strategies for managing hard Euroscepticism and their consequences for EU disintegration. It does so by drawing on policy evolution theory to conceptualise two ideal types representing contrasting strategies: taming Euroscepticism by technocratic adaptation or embracing it. This...
Petit, Caroline Longo, Giuseppe
The current pandemic was an announced possibility. Its potential causes were known: destroyed ecosystem niches,declining biological diversity, intensive farming, abuse of genetics, and biological manipulations. This paper dealswith some aspects of the biological (and social) history of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic but also with the historyof previ...
Umbrello, S. (author)
In We Have Always Been Cyborgs (2021), Stefan L. Sorgner argues that, given the growing economic burden of desirable welfare programs, in order for Western democratic societies to continue to flourish it will be necessary that they establish some form of algocracy (i.e., governance by algorithm). This is argued to be necessary both in order to main...