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with technical reproducibility as keyword
Roque López, Miguel Ángel
El artículo contextualiza la era de la reproductibilidad técnica, descrita por Benjamin, con la nueva era de reproductibilidad artística generada por la inteligencia artificial. Se destaca la interacción creciente entre artistas y tecnología, presentando ejemplos concretos de artistas que utilizan inteligencia artificial. Además, se enfoca en los d...
Zamora Zaragoza, José Antonio
This article addresses the question of the politicization of art through the well-known controversy between Walter Benjamin and Theodor W. Adorno. The contrast between Benjamin and Adorno has given rise to multiple stereotypes and enormous simplifications: on the one hand, Benjamin as a defender of the cultural industry and, on the other, Adorno as...
Zamora Zaragoza, José Antonio
This article addresses the question of the politicization of art through the well-known controversy between Walter Benjamin and Theodor W. Adorno. The contrast between Benjamin and Adorno has given rise to multiple stereotypes and enormous simplifications: on the one hand, Benjamin as a defender of the cultural industry and, on the other, Ador...