Law, Moira A.
Published in
Frontiers in Education
Globally, young people are experiencing unprecedented levels of socio-emotional loneliness, stress, and uncertainty. Formulating insight into their own and others’ experiences and behaviors is especially important during unsettling times and can be facilitated with socioemotional learning (SEL) curriculums. When implementing SEL programs, their suc...
Aguilar Ródenas, Consol
En dos ocasiones anteriores presentamos una aproximación al estado de la cuestión en el área de DLL (Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura) sobre datos relativos al curso 2014-2015, y al curso 2019-2020, con la intención de visibilizar algunos aspectos problemáticos para, desde su conocimiento y debate, poder ofrecer alternativas viables para su r...
Bobojonova, Feruza Khayatovna Mirshayev, Ulugbek Muzafarovich Kodirova, Saodat Abduraximovna Navruzova, Muyassar Gaybullayevna
Published in
BIO Web of Conferences
This article covers the history of the school education system in Bukhara (late 19th -early 20th centuries). In the emirate of Bukhara, the issues of traditional schools, Tatar schools, new method schools, Russian-tuzem schools are covered in detail. The issues of school buildings, their maintenance, lessons and textbooks of this period, salaries a...
Sepadi, Medwin Molapo, Karabo
Published in
Frontiers in Education
Preparing subject teachers for understanding and implementation of curriculum and Assessment policy statement in schools has become a concern in nations as a way to strive for excellence. Yet, there is a little known about the understanding of curriculum policy than its effectiveness in the school. This study explored teacher understanding of Curri...
Takizawa, Yu Bambling, Matthew Teoh, Hsien-Jin Edirippulige, Sisira
Published in
Frontiers in Education
Introduction While mental health problems are prevalent among children, Japanese schools face challenges in providing effective mental health support to children partly due to a lack of training in mental health intervention. This study aimed to address this problem by evaluating a co-designed online teacher training program to provide a neuroscien...
Moulin, Léonard Soncin, Mara
With the COVID-19 pandemic, students around the world faced a disruption of unprecedented intensity. In Italy as in many other countries, for several months emergency remote teaching was the only possible form of schooling. The impacts of the COVID-19 on student achievement could be heterogeneous, depending notably on teachers’ digital instructiona...
majer, karel
Cílem bakalářské práce je vytvoření „Vzorové přípravy učitele praktického vyučování pro Střední odborné školy strojírenské“. Práci jsem rozdělil na teoretickou a praktickou část. V teoretické části je popsána strojírenská škola kde vyučuji a učební obory na které se zaměřuje má práce, dále faktory, které mají vliv na přípravu učitele při vyučování,...
Mishevska, Elena
Magistrsko delo obravnava vlogo učiteljev pri delu z učenci, ki imajo specifične učne težave, z osrednjim poudarkom na disgrafiji. Glavni cilj je bil ugotoviti, kako se učitelji odzivajo na potrebe učencev z disgrafijo ter kakšne prilagoditve in podporo nudijo v izobraževalnem procesu. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene osnovne značilnosti inkluzi...
Singh, Yogendra Kumar Gautam, Dev Nath Singh
Published in
Open Education Studies
Job satisfaction significantly impacts teachers’ overall well-being and mental health. Research reveals a strong connection between employment status and mental health, with teaching being a particularly stressful profession. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated these challenges, with the shift to online education and limited support causing heightene...
Kalinienė, Gintarė Ustinavičienė, Rūta Lukšienė, Dalia Žutautienė, Rasa Kirvaitienė, Jolita Vaičiulis, Vidmantas
Published in
Frontiers in Public Health
Background The strain on workers of the healthcare system and education sector increased psychological distress and burnout. This study aimed to distinguish the occupational group that is the most affected by occupational burnout and to reveal the scope of psychosocial risk factors among each occupational group. Methods This is a cross-sectional st...