Kadirić, Nejla
Magistrsko delo v teoretičnem delu predstavi izbrane primere ilustracije, njeno zgodovino, vrste in uporabo v grafičnem oblikovanju. Raziskovanje obsega tudi pregled uporabe vizualne umetnosti v ritualih, ki smo jih predstavili na nekaj primerih, literaturo o ritualnih kartah za divinacijo (obredov prerokovanja) in o folklori. Na podlagi raziskav i...
Hyland, Tina
Tarot is an oracular and speaking literature, embedded in magical divination practices, and as such, has an inherently strange and irrational relationship to history and even time itself. This work applies the oracular tarot to a number of situations and contexts, all of which will illuminate some facet of magic and narrative as being living, affec...
Kregar, Oskar
Ogledali si bomo, katera metoda mešanja in katera metoda deljenja je najboljša pri taroku. Glavne ugotovitve bodo, da je vseeno katero metodo uporabimo za mešanje, le da dovoljkrat z njo premešamo kupček. V primeru GSR mešanja (medlistanja dveh kupčkov) bomo pokazali, da je dovoljkratno kupček premešati približno sedemkrat. Najboljša metoda deljenj...
Wiesner, Adam Cornejo-Valle, Mónica
Published in
Human Affairs
In order to develop a collaborative experience of reflexive writing, this article explores the ethnographic process through two communication devices used by the authors in their respective fieldwork: tarot readings and evolutionary astrology. Reflecting on their distinct (if not opposing) backgrounds, the authors explore and interpret how their di...
Wistrand, Sten
Gustav Meyrink lived in a time when the interest in spiritism, theosophy and occult phenomena was widespread. He joined about every esoteric society available, attended séances, experimented with diets and drugs, and practiced alchemy and yoga. But he also, in a way, was a sceptic. In some circles, he still has a reputation as a man with deep insi...
Naessens, Ophélie
Cet entretien inaugure une série dans le cadre d’une enquête plus vaste menée auprès d’artistes plasticiennes qui utilisent des techniques divinatoires dans leur pratique. Ces interviews sont menées sous la forme de tirages de tarots.
Ris, Amadea
Diplomsko delo zajema področje oblikovanja celostne grafične podobe, in sicer sem se odločila za oblikovanje celostne grafične podobe tarot kart. V likovnoteoretičnem delu predstavim postopek snovanja celostne grafične podobe ter poglobljeno psihološko raziskujem tematiko in sestavo tarot kart. Na kratko predstavim zgodovino tarot kart, poglavitne ...
Garnica, Grace Elena
Block printing on a vintage music sheet. This piece depicts the artist's rendition of the tarot card, "The Sun", in the medium of a block print. This piece emphasizes femininity and self.
Gorsedene, Christa Maria
This research has been a study in amazement. Initially an agnostic physics graduate, the researcher undertook training in the person-centred approach (pca) to self-development and counselling, during which she came to experience strange personal experiences which she could neither gainsay nor fit into her then worldview. Sketching these briefly, ex...
Edwards, Paul
This graphic interlude features a selection of pictures included in Mademoiselle de Phocas, Gothic-Industrial Photographer, a novel by Naomi translated into English by Paul Edwards, photographs by the translator.