Hay, Carlie M. Sills, Jackson L. Shoemake, Julia M. Ballmann, Christopher G. Stephens, Richard Washmuth, Nicholas B.
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
Swearing, or the use of taboo language, has been repeatedly shown to induce hypoalgesia. While reliable hypoalgesic effects have been observed across studies, the mechanisms by which swearing influences pain and the optimal dosage of swearing remain poorly understood. Plausible mechanistic rationale for swearing’s impact on pain include sympathetic...
Vancauwenbergh, Margot; Franco, Karlien; 76167;
status: published
Ismail, Abdifatah Mohamud Ibrahim, Musse Ahmed Abdi, Mahammoud Mohammed Geremew, Abraham Mulugeta, Yohannes Ayele, Dinku Mekbib Cheru, Abera
Published in
Frontiers in Public Health
Background Open defecation contributes to the spread of different feco-oral diseases. Therefore, access to a latrine is strongly recommended, as it considerably reduces the risks. Even though provision of latrine facilities alone does not guarantee the desired health benefits, they should be integrated with behavior change. In Ethiopia, efforts hav...
Bollmark, Henning
The normative political theory problem of dirty hands (DH) concerns the troubling possibility that political leaders, from a (mostly) consequentialist perspective, might sometimes be morally required to make exceptions from sensitive rules like prohibitions of extremely harmful practices (e.g. torture) in order to avert catastrophic threats and cri...
Konarzewska, Aleksandra
Published in
Zeitschrift für Slawistik
This paper concerns works by the Polish contemporary author and journalist Mariusz Szczygieł (*1966). I analyze Szczygieł’s Czech reportages (Gottland [2006], Zrób sobie raj [2010] and to some extent Nie ma [2018]) from the perspective of memory studies, focusing particularly on the question of taboo in collective memory and the issue of false memo...
Adryjan, Beata
The article presents the results of a survey on the knowledge and experience of Polish women in the area of menstrual poverty. The article raises issues such as: respondents’ knowledge of the symptoms of menstrual poverty, characteristics of groups particularly vulnerable to deprivation in terms of menstrual health and hygiene, as well as the impac...
Cammock, Radilaite Lovell, Sarah Vaka, Sione
Published in
Culture, health & sexuality
Pacific Sexual and reproductive health is influenced by cultural taboos and sensitivities. Although Pacific values are integral to family planning, open communication in the home is often difficult in the face of changing socio-cultural norms. This study explores the experiences of iTaukei Pacific women living in Fiji and Aotearoa New Zealand, and ...
Starček, Tinkara
Magistrsko delo predstavi problem spolnega nasilja na prelomu iz 19. v 20. stoletje z analizo tem in motivov, povezanih s spolnim nasiljem, v izbranih delih slovenske in češke književnosti ter konkretnih primerov spolnega nasilja v arhivskih virih in časopisju. Namen magistrskega dela je ugotoviti, kako je spolno nasilje v literarnih delih tematizi...
Attrash-Najjar, Afnan Katz, Carmit
Published in
Trauma, violence & abuse
Although child sexual abuse (CSA) is acknowledged as a worldwide social phenomenon, less is known about CSA within Arab societies. The current systematic literature review was designed to highlight the empirical knowledge on CSA in Arab societies. Guided by PRISMA principles, key databases were searched, with no time limit, for studies meeting the ...
Hribar, Blažka
Odnos staršev do problemskih tem v književnih delih je pomemben, saj so oni tisti, ki v večini primerov ustvarjajo zadržke do posameznega bralnega gradiva. Starši močno vplivajo na otrokovo bralno pismenost, dostop do knjig, količino in kakovost branja z otrokom in spodbude, ki jih otrok prejema. Njihov odnos se prenaša na pedagoške delavce, ki se ...