Pastor, Amandine V.
In a context of future population increase and intensification of water cycle by climate change, water demand for irrigation is projected to double. However, freshwater resources have been degraded the last decades especially in rivers via fragmentation, dam contraction and pollution. Flow alteration and degradation lead to 80% of freshwater ecosys...
Prusova, Alena
This thesis (Light on phloem transport – an MRI approach) aims to answer the question whether phloem transport can be a limiting factor for photosynthesis efficiency (and ultimately causing a bottleneck towards achieving higher yields). To answer this key question, we manipulated the source: sink ratio within tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) while ...
van den Berg, S.A.
Continuous flow chemistry is an enabling technique in organic chemistry. Advantages include extremely fast mixing and heat transfer capabilities as well as rapid screening of reaction conditions. Combining continuous flow chemistry with solid-supported organocatalysis presents challenges that have been investigated in this thesis. We have developed...
Lubbersen, Y.S.
Solid-liquid separation is a very common process operation in the chemical and food industry. Current technologies, such as membrane separation, consume large amounts of energy and water and often suffer from fouling issues. A novel, promising separation principle was identified for possible large scale application. This principle has been studied ...
Van Cuyck, T.A.P. (author)
De ecologische kwaliteit van het Markermeer is de laatste decennia sterk achteruit gegaan. De oorzaak hiervan is dat door de afsluiting van het Markermeer met de Houtribdijk een ondiep meer is ontstaan met een bodem van klei waarin een dynamische sliblaag aanwezig is. Al bij lage windsnelheden ontstaan golven die erosie van deze sliblaag veroorzake...
Querner, E.P. Makaske, B.
In het kader van het programma Ruimte voor de Rivier worden grote delen van de uiterwaarden langs de Rijn en de Maas op een meer natuurlijke manier beheerd. Gemaaid grasland maakt plaats voor ruig terrein. Dat leidt echter ook tot minder capaciteit voor doorstroming bij hoogwater. Wordt dat laatste effect niet overschat?
van Dinther, A.M.C.
Membrane microfiltration processes are used in for example the food, biotechnology, chemical and pharmaceutical industry, and more generally in e.g. wastewater treatment. Microfiltration is mostly used to separate components that are greatly different in size, e.g. micro-organisms from water, but rarely to fractionate components that are of similar...
Ali, M.
Soil erosion is a common global problem that has negative impacts on agriculture production, water storage facilities, water conveyance system, and water quality. To assess water erosion problems in catchments, scientists have developed several spatially distributed soil erosion models with various degree of sophistication. Examples are CREAMS, KYE...
Cazemier, M. Querner, E.P. van Lanen, H.A.J. Gallart, F. Prat, N. Tzoraki, O. Froebrich, J.
Vernooij, M.G.M. Querner, E.P. Jacobs, C. Froebrich, J.
Tools were developed to quantify space–time development of different flow phases on a river basin scale. Such information is needed for the WFD. The spatial development of temporary streams was investigated in the Evrotas basin, Greece. We used the regional hydrological model SIMGRO in a GIS framework to generate flow time series for all major stre...