Use and misuse of the self-control concept in the public sphere
Published in Frontiers in Psychology
Published in Frontiers in Psychology
Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na življenje posameznikov z izkušnjo kompulzivnega prenajedanja, motnje hranjenja, ki v javnosti pogosto ostaja spregledana. V teoretičnem uvodu najprej opredelim motnje hranjenja ter predstavljam različne oblike teh, vključno z anoreksijo, bulimijo, ortoreksijo, bigoreksijo in kompulzivnim prenajedanjem. Posebna pozorn...
Diplomsko delo zajema raziskovanje izkušenj priseljencev prve in druge generacije iz republik bivše Jugoslavije v Sloveniji. Teoretični del je namenjen pregledu zgodovinskega in družbenega konteksta migracij v slovenskem prostoru, ki je ključen za razumevanje položaja priseljencev. Opisani so pomembni pojmi, kot so nestrpnost, stereotipi, predsodki...
Published in Frontiers in Psychiatry
Background Forensic psychiatric patients require specialized care due to the unique challenges in forensic settings. Negative attitudes and beliefs towards mentally disordered offenders can lead to discrimination against patients and are related to worse outcomes. Forensic psychiatric nurses play a crucial role in the treatment of these patients. A...
Published in Frontiers in Sociology
This paper proposes a new theoretical model to explain the acceptance/rejection of agents (co-workers) and various social groups (people with mental disorders or disabilities, the elderly, the unemployed/poor, ethnic minorities) in a given social system: the social utility-based acceptance/rejection (SUBAR) Model. Based on a social utility approach...
Published in Frontiers in Public Health
Introduction This study was conducted on the occasion of the parricide in Bolzano (South Tyrol, Italy) in January 2021. The psychological impact of parricide on the general population and on mental health professionals has scarcely been investigated to the present day. Studies on stigmatization show differences between various groups. The aim was t...
Uvod: Okužba z virusom humane imunske pomanjkljivosti (HIV) počasi napada imunski sistem človeškega telesa, kar vodi v postopno oslabitev. Če ostane nezdravljena, pripelje do razvoja sindroma pridobljene imunske pomanjkljivosti (aids), tj. stanja, ko je imunski sistem tako oslabljen, da postane telo dovzetno za resne bolezni. Poleg pozitivne diagno...
Published in Frontiers in Psychology
Background/objective Depression is a growing concern in university students and resilience has shown to play a protective role. The impact of stigma is still under-explored, with reference to its moderating role between depression and resilience. The present study investigate such a relationship among Italian university students. Methods A cross-se...
Published in Frontiers in Public Health
Background Empathic concern and perspective-taking may contribute to avoiding stigmatization of adverse health behavior. Narrative writing has been shown to be effective in promoting perspective-taking and empathy. But since narrative writing is time consuming, we tested in the present study narrative reading as an alternative, more parsimonious ap...
Published in Frontiers in Psychology
The ability to understand other people’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors is associated with an individual’s ability and his attitude in the context of relationships. The development of this process is associated with different psychosocial factors: parental competence, building a secure attachment and reduced risk of violence in the family as wel...