Jabot, Françoise Massot, Caroline
Introduction : L’évaluation d’impact sur la santé (EIS) se développe rapidement en France. Elle est proche d’autres démarches, telles que l’évaluation de politiques publiques (EPP) avec laquelle elle est parfois confondue.But de l’étude : Cet article a pour objectifs d’identifier les similitudes et différences entre EIS et EPP et d’apprécier dans q...
Rodriguez-Navarro, Pablo Rodiguez-Navarr... Ruggieri, Andrea Gil Piqueras, María Teresa
Among the different types of popular house styles found in Spain, we encounter the unusual case of cave dwellings. In the Valencian Community; we find them in the villages of Paterna, Godella, Rocafort, Moncada, Bétera, Ribarroja and Villamarchante. In the mid 19th century, the population living in cave dwellings reached significant numbers, thus c...
Durmišević, Dino
šťáva, josef
Navrhování kotvených stožárů je velice specifickou disciplínou oboru projektování ocelových konstrukcí, se kterou se v praxi setká jen velmi malý počet statiků. Z laického pohledu by se mohlo zdát navrhování těchto konstrukcí jako triviální problém a odůvodnit to umíme i odbornějším pohledem jednoduchá geometrie a statické schéma, výpočetní model s...
Klaut, Karin
Duša, Anja
Imperial, Joseph Marvin Jones, Matthew D. Tayyar Madabushi, Harish
Technical standards, or simply standards, are established documented guidelines and rules that facilitate the interoperability, quality, and accuracy of systems and processes. In recent years, we have witnessed an emerging paradigm shift where the adoption of generative AI (GenAI) models has increased tremendously, spreading implementation interest...
rio ardian, alan riski handayani, dewi marzuki, ahmad
The increasing demand for transportation has led to a significant rise in vibration levels, posing substantial risks to infrastructure, human health, and quality of life. This study reviews the literature on transportation-induced vibrations, with a particular focus on railway vibrations, which are identified as the most intense due to their operat...
mora, tiziano dalla de vivo, maria antonietta scarpa, massimiliano peron, fabio
Assessments of indoor microclimates are the first act of preventive conservation of cultural heritage. Interest in this subject has led to the development of an increasing number of standards and guidelines. This critical review examines the application of the main standards and guidelines for indoor microclimates for the preventive conservation of...
Grimm, Volker Berger, Uta Cortés-Avizanda, Ainara Ferrer, Jordi Franz, Mathias Groeneveld, Jürgen Hartig, Florian Jakoby, Oliver Jovani, Roger Kramer-Schadt, Stephanie
Highligts: • ODD protocol and NetLogo were used for model replication. • 15 out of 18 agent-based models from different disciplines were successfully replicated. • Model replication can support theory development. • A checklist to support model replication is provided. • Standards such as ODD and quasi-standards such as NetLogo support Good Modelli...