Le sujet rôde toujours ou comment la dialectique hégélienne peut déplacer les montagnes
The 64.5 cm long Père Noël stalagmite PN-95-5 was deposited between 12.9 ka and 1.8 ka (U-series dated) with an uncertainty on the ages of the order of ca. 100 years. Besides changes in the macroscopic aspect of the stalagmite along its longitudinal section, changes in its isotopic (18O and 3C) and chemical (Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca) composition are observ...
The 64.5 cm long Père Noël stalagmite PN-95-5 was deposited between 12.9 ka and 1.8 ka (U-series dated) with an uncertainty on the ages of the order of ca. 100 years. Besides changes in the macroscopic aspect of the stalagmite along its longitudinal section, changes in its isotopic (18O and 3C) and chemical (Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca) composition are observ...
The Paleogene greenhouse world comprises variable paleoclimate conditions providing an indispensable deep-time perspective for the possible effects of human-induced climate change. In this paper, paleotemperature data of the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (EECO) from the mid-latitude marginal marine Belgian Basin are discussed. They are derived from...
Le flux de dioxyde de carbone émanant du sol participe de manière prépondérante au cycle du carbone. On estime son amplitude à 68 ± 4 Pg C par an. En forêt tempérée, il représente approximativement 60-80 % des émissions totales de CO2 de l'écosystème (respiration de l'écosystème). Compte tenu de l'ampleur de ce flux et des conséquences qu'aurait un...
Le flux de dioxyde de carbone émanant du sol participe de manière prépondérante au cycle du carbone. On estime son amplitude à 68 ± 4 Pg C par an. En forêt tempérée, il représente approximativement 60-80 % des émissions totales de CO2 de l'écosystème (respiration de l'écosystème). Compte tenu de l'ampleur de ce flux et des conséquences qu'aurait un...
The Paleogene greenhouse world comprises variable paleoclimate conditions providing an indispensable deep-time perspective for the possible effects of human-induced climate change. In this paper, paleotemperature data of the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (EECO) from the mid-latitude marginal marine Belgian Basin are discussed. They are derived from...
ABSTRACT. The development of normal faults in carbonates in upper-crustal conditions (
The dolomites of the Grande Dolomie de Namur which make up the lower part of the Vinalmont borehole are considered to be eogenetic, i.e. relating to reflux of saline to hypersaline water or due to seawater circulation adjacent to the development of a mixing zone. Their depleted δ18O (-13.50‰ to -13.90‰) is interpreted in terms of recrystallisation ...