Johnson, Kellie Taylor, Avery Socha, Annika Barkyoumb, Ellie Nakamura, Koichi Kaiser, Carl L. German, Christopher R. Yoerger, Dana R. Van Dover, Cindy Lee
Published in
Frontiers in Marine Science
Systematic surveys of the distribution of epibenthic megafaunal species relative to one another and to environmental variables in the deep sea can lead to inferences and testable hypotheses regarding factors that influence their distributions. Here we use a seascape approach to provide insight into the character and spatial extent of the influence ...
Axelsson, Kasper
This thesis compares the projection of strategic narratives in Chinese and Russian state media narratives in their pursuit of spheres of influence. Previous research about spheres of influence have sought to explain why and how spheres of influence are maintained and under what circumstances one’s sphere is accepted or rejected by external great po...
Baroni, Paola A. Spagnolo, Tamara
The 21st century implied for India a reformulation of its external strategies. One of the main challenges faced in the region is China due to the difficult political relationship as a result of unsolved borders disputes, and the strategic and economic implications of the New Silk Road. India has focused on accelerating its economic growth and on po...
Abbas, Hussain Qaisrani, Irfan Hasnain
Saudi Arabia and Iran are engaged in a strenuous competition in the Middle East to protect and promote their respective spheres of influence, to each other’s detriment. This qualitative study traces the structural sources of this competition while taking cue from the history. It argues that demise of Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s plunging into civil war, ...
Schrempf-Stirling, Judith Palazzo, Guido
The debate about the appropriate standards for upstream corporate social responsibility (CSR) of multinational corporations (MNCs) has been on the public and academic agenda for some three decades. The debate originally focused narrowly on contract responsibility of MNCs for monitoring of upstream contractors for sweatshop working conditions violat...
Pereira, Brigitte
Si depuis quelques années, on assiste à une augmentation des pratiques RSE, la consécration récente de la norme ISO 26000, vise à clarifier les lignes directrices de la responsabilité sociétale des organisations. Résultat d’un compromis quasi-mondial entre les parties prenantes, la norme ISO 26000 pose à présent la question de sa portée. Faisant un...
Published in
Using Information to Develop a Culture of Customer Centricity
Meyssonnier, François Pourtier, Frédéric
Un certain nombre de groupes étendent le bras de leur contrôle sur des entités partenaires par-delà leur périmètre de consolidation en utilisant les systèmes d’information et les dispositifs de reporting. Pour avoir une image fidèle de la réalité économique de ces groupes, il est alors nécessaire de disposer d’informations comptables relatives à le...
Christensen, Jonas
This study highlights how a profession acquires knowledge in the context of the German welfare state. This is achieved by studying the organisation, transformation and sphere of influence of social work in Germany. The theoretic frame of reference is provided by a modification of Bronfenbrenner’s model of developmental ecology. If we view Social wo...
Nolan, Justine Taylor, Luke
Published in
Journal of Business Ethics
It is no longer a revelation that companies have some responsibility to uphold human rights. However, delineating the boundaries of the relationship between business and human rights is more vexed. What is it that we are asking corporations to assume responsibility for and how far does that responsibility extend? This article focuses on the extent ...