Tuoremaa Puranen, Ann-Sofi
Abstrakt Problematisk skolfrånvaro är och har blivit ett snabbt växande problem i skolor. Det påverkar givetvis elever som riskerar att gå ut skolan med ofullständiga betyg och därmed en ofullständig utbildning. Det leder inte sällan till ett försvårande av att därefter delta i yrkes- och samhällslivet. Alla barn i Sverige har skolplikt och rätten ...
Nygård, Sara Gamnis, Yang
Syftet med studien är att synliggöra förskollärares uppfattningar om specialpedagogens roll i förskolan. Syftet besvaras genom följande frågeställningar: Hur beskriver förskollärare specialpedagogens roll i förskolan? På vilket sätt anser förskollärare att specialpedagogen kan bidra till att skapa en inkluderande verksamhet på förskolan? Studien är...
Hemmingsson, Lilian
Denna intervjustudie syftar till att undersöka gymnasielärares uppfattningar av samarbeten med specialpedagogiska resurser när det kommer till individanpassad undervisning där individplacerade elever med hörselnedsättning ingår. Ramfaktorteorin används som teoretisk utgångspunkt i analys av data. I resultaten framgår att lärares uppfattning gälland...
Vostrý, Michal Lanková, Barbora Pešatová, Ilona Müllerová, Lenka Vomáčková, Helena
Published in
International journal of environmental research and public health
In this study we focus on the application of standardized tests aimed at evaluating the functional degree of independence in children (client 1, WeeFIM test; and client 2, FIM test) in special education diagnostics. The target group consisted of two clients with a diagnosis of mental functional diversity (n = 2; client 1: mild mental retardation, a...
Meixner, Jana Kotrschal, Kurt
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
Dogs are becoming increasingly popular in pedagogical settings. Particularly children with special educational needs are believed to benefit from dog-assisted interventions. However, reliable evidence for supporting such claims is still scarce and reports on the effectiveness of this approach are often anecdotal. With our review we aim at evaluatin...
Britts, Oliver
One in every twelve pupils in the Swedish school system has the neuropsychiatric disorder known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD for short. A disorder which effects the individual’s impulse control and ability to remain focus negatively. Therefore, it is important that the Swedish school system and those who work in it can accom...
Karlsudd, Peter
How the Swedish after-school leisure program pedagogy relates to special education is rarely the subject of research. The problematization of the special education concept in the after-school leisure centers will be the starting point of this analysis model. This has been constructed with the aim of investigating how actors in the Swedish after-sch...
Barłóg, Krystyna
Published in
Interdisciplinary Context of Special Pedagogy
In many contexts of contemporary special education, its main present and future challenges are the implementation of effective inclusive education, the preparation of the required conditions, space and relations of safe functioning of a child with disabilities or special education needs together with healthy, able-bodied peers. Are the long-standin...
Dryżałowska, Grażyna
Published in
Interdisciplinary Context of Special Pedagogy
The article is an attempt to reflect on the difficult situation in which special pedagogy was found. It is more difficult than the crisis that took place after 1989, because the fascination with the idea of normalisation and integration is gradually decreasing, and there is no new concepts for the further development of special education as a scien...
Björk, Kaisa Danielsson, Eva Basic, Goran
The purpose of this study was to provide new understanding of teachers’ and immigrant students’ collaboration and identity work in a school context. Linguistic discourse analysis of immigrant student presentations of teachers’ different roles in a school context was based on empirical sequences from interviews in previously published qualitative an...