stangl, martin foelsche, ulrich
In order to complement gaps in the surveillance of solar activity in historical times, various proxies are used to reconstruct past solar cycles and long-term maxima and minima of solar activity, the most famous being the Maunder Minimum (MM), which is usually defined to span the period between the years 1645 and 1715. We explain the problems withi...
Brinckmann, Michel
Läromedel i alla ämnen måste alltid vara anpassade efter den nuvarande kursplanen. I ämnet historia är läroböcker fortfarande materialet som huvudsakligen används i undervisning. Därför är det viktigt att dessa böcker blir granskade och analyserade efter det centrala innehållet av den aktuella kurs- eller ämnesplanen. Syftet med den här uppsatsen ä...
Seek, Abd Alkareem
The Arabic primary sources from the early medieval period have long existed in the modern consciousness of the scholarship, however, differing interpretations, mistranslations, and omissions have contributed to the state of already existing confusion permeating the matter of the Rus origin, influence, and interactions in their theatre of action in ...
Efrati, Shlomi; 139412;
status: published
Rosengren, Jenny
We know from research that students generally lack the ability to critically examine information and information sources in a satisfying way (Haider & Sundin, 2020; McGrew, 2022) and that classroom interventions about civic online reasoning, lateral reading and click restraint to some extent can improve students’ knowledge and abilities (Wineburg ...
Landén, Elin Landén Olsson, Anna
Denna undersökning har studerat hur förekomsten av nyheter, information och desinformation på Instagram påverkar unga vuxnas uppfattning om källor och avsändares trovärdighet. Syftet var att ta reda på vilken typ av källor och avsändare på Instagram unga vuxna väljer att tro på och varför. Därtill undersöks i vilken utsträckning unga vuxna påverkas...
Kristensson, Ida Walid Karim, Shahed
In the past few years society has become more digitized. As a result of this the schools are using more digital tools in education and searching information online has become the norm. The purpose of this essay is to investigate what research has been made on how digital sources and information searches online are used in history education and how ...
Hansson, Johan Nilsson, Kevin
Syftet med denna studie har varit att skapa kunskap om hur yrkesverksamma lärare i svenska resonerar kring undervisning i källkritik, samt hur de upplever sin egen kunskap i källkritik. Studien har utgått från två teoretiska perspektiv. Dels media- and information literacy (MIL), dels fyra undervisningsparadigm. Media- and information literacy hand...
Tingström, Marcus
A central aspect of Swedish history teaching is to develop one's ability to use history and to develop historical awareness. As a support for the teacher, there are several different textbooks, but the content may differ in terms of both factual knowledge and methods. With this as a starting point and with focus on using history, the purpose of thi...
Mårtensson, Christoffer
As the digital age takes root, more and more students use the internet to acquire information for their studies. Common sources in Sweden are online encyclopedias like Wikipedia, SO-rummet and Nationalencyklopedin (NE). Seeing as these online encyclopedias can fill the role of teaching aids it is prudent to examine their contents to evaluate if the...