Díaz, Anyelín
Develop a character, delve into the skin, into the psyche, what the character looks like,how they speak, how they react, what their worries and fears are, what their joys, their goals and their greatest desires are; is not easy. It takes time to think, to observe, to read, to search, to wait. For a singer the search is twofold. We must look for the...
Loomis, Kathryn
Kathryn Loomis, soprano, presents her senior vocal recital, accompanied by Paul Woodring.
Ursachi, Doina Dimitriu
Published in
Review of Artistic Education
Giacomo Puccini’s artistic creation spans a period of 40 years, from 1884 to 1924, during which time he composed 12 works. This small number proves once again the great artistic exigency of the composer. The enormous success that Giacomo Puccini’s works have enjoyed since his life, continues to this day and is constantly growing. We aim to analyze ...
Amézaga Heiras, Gustavo
Resumen En noviembre de 1865, la soprano Ángela Peralta regresó a su patria para presentarse ante el público de la capital y de otros departamentos del Imperio Mexicano. Las crónicas periodísticas reseñaron su llegada y recepción como un hecho sin igual. Este artículo aborda los usos y la circulación de los retratos de la artista en el contexto de ...
Wiest, Kirsten Ashley
As a singer of contemporary classical music, working with composers on the creation of new repertoire is a large part of my artistic output. While working to create new pieces for the classical voice is an exciting adventure, it also requires a great deal of intellectual and artistic exploration, creativity, and problem solving. For my dissertation...
Andersen, Hedda Lund
I föreliggande studie är syftet att studera några högskolelärares upptattningar angående-, innebörden av och arbete med en sopranklang på en högskolenivå. Tidigare litteratur och forskning visar på olika svar om hur begreppet kan användas, innebörden av begreppet samt nyanseringen av begreppen klang, timbre och klangfärg. Arbetet är kvalitativt och...
Sánchez Rodríguez, Virginia
La soprano María Barrientos (*1884; †1946) fue una de las artistas españolas con mayor proyección internacional durante el primer tercio del siglo XX. A pesar de que al final de su vida se dedicó a la canción de concierto, María Barrientos estuvo vinculada a la ópera hasta la década de 1920, perteneciendo a las compañías más relevantes de la época ...
Kwong-Brown, Ursula
AbstractWhere the I Comes FrombyUrsula Kwong-BrownDoctor of Philosophy in Musicand the Designated Emphasis in New Mediain the Graduate Division University of California, Berkeley Professor Myra Melford, Chair I first read Josh Bell’s poem “Where the I Comes From” in the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election, at a time when it seemed like Amer...
O'Shea, Kelly
This is a Senior Recital in partial fulfillment for a BA degree in Music. Kelly O'Shea is a soprano who sang works by Mozart, Brahms, Duparc, Liszt, Bizet, and Dvorak. The program includes translations as well as detailed program notes for each of the pieces performed at the recital.
McCullough, Amanda
The Transmutation of the Immutable Abyss is a song cycle for a female voice and chamber orchestra, originally inspired by the instrumentation of a community theater pit orchestra. This piece sets eight poems by A. R. Ammons over eight movements. One primary goal of this piece was to combine elements of jazz and contemporary classical music. The Tra...