Narváez, Keinert Rivero, Ludwig
With the aim of describing the clinical and paraclinical characteristics of brain salt wasting syndrome (SCPS) in patients with cerebral vascular disease (CVD) who were admitted to the Internal Medicine Department of the Dr. Antonio María Pineda Central University Hospital during the period April-July 2020, a cross-sectional descriptive study was c...
Sánchez-Díaz, Jesús Salvador Peniche-Moguel, Karla Gabriela Martínez-Rodríguez, Enrique Antonio Pérez-Nieto, Orlando Rubén Zamarrón-López, Eder Iván Monares-Zepeda, Enrique
Resumen: La disnatremia es la alteración electrolítica más frecuente en el paciente en estado crítico, con repercusión en la morbimortalidad. El sodio es el electrolito regulador más importante de la osmolaridad sanguínea; la relación inherente con la molécula del agua hace que esta dupla tenga una proporción interdependiente y recíproca. A través ...
Santoyo de la Cruz, Mario Francisco Flores Magdaleno, Héctor Khalil Gardezi, Abdul Mancilla Villa, Óscar Raúl Rubiños Panta, Juan Enrique
Abstract Introduction: The salinity of Lake Texcoco is due to the fact that it was an endorheic basin, it had no way of washing the salts. The causes of salinization of agricultural soils in these plots are: poor irrigation management, use of low quality water for irrigation and excessive use of chemical fertilizers. The objective of this work was ...
Santoyo de la Cruz, Mario Francisco Flores-Magdaleno, Héctor Khalil-Gardezi, Abdul Mancilla-Villa, Óscar Raúl Rubiños-Panta, Juan Enrique
Resumen Introducción: La salinidad del lago de Texcoco se debe a que éste fue una cuenca endorreica, no tenía forma de lavar las sales. Las causas de salinización de los suelos agrícolas en estas parcelas son: manejo deficiente del riego, uso de aguas de baja calidad para riego y uso excesivo de los fertilizantes químicos. El objetivo de este traba...
Buelvas Jimenez, Neudo Vielma Guevara, José Ramón
Hypertension represents one of the main factors that contribute to morbidity and mortality worldwide, because it is associated with cardiovascular diseases. Hypertension affects approximately 1.3 billion people worldwide, with a trend of increasing prevalence and incidence rates. Fewer than half of the people are aware of their condition, and many ...
Buelvas Jimenez, Neudo Vielma, José Ramón
Hypertension is one of the main morbidity and mortality factors, being the main risk factor for cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and kidney diseases worldwide. Various causes may participate in it: high intake of sodium chloride, genetic aspects, age, sex, obesity, stress, reduction of nephron mass, hormonal factors and immune system participation, ...
López-Hernández, Danilo Hernández, Carmen Liendo, Fernando Urich, Juan Vallejo-Torres, Oswaldo
RESUMEN En los ambientes terrestres afectados por la actividad petrolera los fluidos de perforación y las aguas residuales (AR) generados en estas operaciones representan un problema ambiental y estético de importancia. Las AR, ricas en sólidos en suspensión, sales solubles y con potenciales contaminantes, son transportadas a una fosa donde se trat...
Rodríguez-Pinto, Fredlis García-Pardo, Andrea Ardila-Sierra, Adriana Castro, Carlos Alberto
Resumen: ANTECEDENTES: La mielinolisis extrapontina forma parte del síndrome de desmielinización osmótica que lesiona los oligodendrocitos y ocasiona la pérdida de mielina en regiones del sistema nervioso central diferentes al puente del tronco encefálico. Se origina por la corrección rápida de sodio en pacientes con hiponatremia y en mujeres embar...
Di Ciano, Luis A. Vlachovsky, Sandra G. Celía, Alejandro F. Oddo, Elisabet M. Arrizurieta, Elvira Silberstein, Claudia M. Ibarra, Fernando R. Azurmendi, Pablo J.
Introduction: It is known that sex is a deter-minant of renal sodium regulation and blood pressure. Methods: Male and female Wistar rats, which were 150 days old and a diet with normal or high levels of sodium (NaCl 1% v.o.), were studied for the last five days. Mean blood pressure (MBP), natriuresis, glomerular filtra-tion rate (GFR), renal plasma...
Pavón, Elizabeth Gallegos G., Ramiro
The determination of the minerals present in the beans is of great importance to evaluate their nutritional value; for which, calcium, iron, sodium and potassium were determined by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy. To accomplish the objective, random sampling was carried out in five different places in the city of Quito, which included supermar...