Flores Treviño, María Eugenia
Objetivo: Este trabajo describe un taller de tipo interactivo basado en una aplicación del análisis crítico del discurso, enmarcado desde una posición enunciativo-pragmática que considera las condiciones de producción, circulación y recepción del discurso, para mostrar la utilidad de la Sociopragmática en esta área. Originalidad/aporte: La sociopr...
Alves, Rebeca Harapuque Galdino da Silva Junior, Pedro Adriao
It’s truthful to say that the pronominal use of yo (“I” in english) has been studied by several linguists and by different points of view. To try to understand deeply, the present study seek to observe the attenuation strategies used in cases of deixis omissions represented by the singular first person pronoun, the yo, under a social pragmatic pers...
Aguilar Zamudio, Ángel de Jesús
Resumen En este estudio se analiza el uso del modo imperativo en enunciados de Twitter de usuarios a presidentes mexicanos y otros usuarios. Los imperativos, verbales e interjectivos, pueden formar parte de actos ilocutivos, muestras de la actitud del emisor frente a intervenciones previas y de marcadores discursivos. También se toma en cuenta la p...
Gancedo Ruiz, Marta
This paper, within the field of historical pragmatics, presents a pragmatic-discursive study of the projection of female family social roles (wife, mother) in nineteenth and twentieth century theatre. For this purpose, from the theoretical framework of sociocultural pragmatics, the communicative behaviour of these roles has been analysed in relatio...
Bartol Martín, Estela
For years, multiple studies on sociocultural pragmatics have agreed on underlining the importance of including verbal politeness contents on SFL classes. To present these contents successfully, recognizing the pros and cons of their treatment in SFL materials might be useful. Because of this, the present study has examined 40 SFL textbooks from dif...
Cestero Mancera, Ana María Núñez Bayo, Zaida
A significant line of 21st-century sociolinguistics aims to account for the linguistic patterns characterizing speech communities, taking into consideration various internal and external factors that influence variation and processes of change. This perspective is multidisciplinary, focusing on determining and explaining the sociolinguistic configu...
Harila Blomqvist, Linnéa
Las series de la televisión son una fuente importante para el entendimiento de las estructuras lingüísticas y socioculturales de una lengua. Según muchos investigadores, el habla televisiva no puede ser tratada como lengua hablada real; según algunos, sí es posible. Otros argumentan que existen muchas diferencias entre el habla auténtica y el habla...
Cestero Mancera, Ana María
This paper sets out the results of sociopragmatic research into common knowledge or folklore evidentiality in the speech of Madrid, Spain's norm-radiating capital. Its working assumptions are that the expression of evidentiality in Spanish is strategic and constitutes, above all, a resource for mitigating; and that, as with other pragmatic phenomen...
Kotwica, Dorota
This paper sets out the results of the sociopragmatic analysis of folklore or common knowledge evidentiality in a corpus of semi-directed interviews. It is based on the idea that the use of folklore evidentiality is not only strategic, but it also allows language use to be differentiated sociolectally. In order to discover the patterns of sociolect...
Garrido Ardila, J. A.
Published in
Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie
This article analyses the usage of T/V forms of address in Peninsular Spanish in a context of high formality —four interviews on Spanish national television of ca. 40 minutes each to frontbench politicians by top political analysts. Whilst the interviewers used V consistently, from the different choices of T/V pronouns made by the interviewees a nu...