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with sociology of gender as keyword
Guenther, Katja M
Abstract: This paper presents an invitation to feminist and queer sociology to engage more frequently, enthusiastically, and deeply with animals. Feminist and queer sociology that attend to animals and animality stand to develop better knowledge for animals and animal studies and for women, queers, and feminist and queer sociology. Sociologists wor...
Jeromel, Sara
Magistrska naloga se ukvarja s prikazovanjem spola v predstavah sodobnega plesa v Sloveniji in na Portugalskem. Najprej predstavi sociološke teorije o spolu in telesu in povzame razvoj sodobnega plesa nasploh, nato pa še na Portugalskem in v Sloveniji. Empirični del se ukvarja z analizo plesnih predstav nekaterih najpomembnejših akterjev na področj...
Charpentier, Isabelle
En Algérie et au Maroc, les évolutions socioculturelles (urbanisation, scolarisation croissante et prolongée des filles, progression de l’activité féminine, augmentation de l’âge moyen des filles au mariage) jouent un rôle crucial dans la transformation des rapports de genre. Le célibat féminin, essentiellement urbain, progresse, mais demeure moind...
Barbič, Ana
Charrier, Philippe Bonnet, Estelle Milly, Bruno Cart, Benoit Delsart, Virginie Toutin, Marie-Hélène Verley, Elise Pernot-Lemattre, Martine Tondelier, Michel
Maya Frades, Valentina
Sociology as science is relatively young, the term was coined by Comte in 1839. Since then this discipline has had a spectacular development, consolidating like one of most important of social sciences. The objective of this article is to present the origins and the introduction in Spain since the end of century XIX to the present time; for it we h...