Levesque, Simon Bédard, Pascale
Published in
Le concept d’ethos, que l’étymologie rattache à l’éthique, aux mœurs et à la morale, est ici examiné à l’intersection des études sémiotiques et des sciences sociales. Une méthode est développée pour l’étude des caractères, ou ethe, qui passe par la reconnaissance des signes éthiques sur les scènes d’énonciation considérées, elles-mêmes constitutive...
Watin-Augouard, Jérôme
Comment concilier la reconnaissance des identités symboliques – leur diversité et le « déterminisme » qu’elles semblent impliquer – avec notre liberté, et donc la possibilité qu’à travers celle-ci nous puissions « communiquer » ensemble, et partager un « monde » ou un « sens commun » ? Il s’agira d’examiner ce problème à l’aune de la phénoménologie...
Smith, Rebecca Pinchbeck, Gina McGowan, Catherine Ireland, Joanne Perkins, Elizabeth
Published in
Frontiers in Veterinary Science
Horses in Great Britain are living into increasingly older age and are often regarded as friends or family members by their owner. The horse is reliant on their owner to meet their needs and this paper discusses how horse owners frame an issue that becomes a matter of veterinary concern within the context of the older horse. Qualitative methods wer...
Žigon, Blaž
V sodobni družbi smo priča transformaciji, ki jo poganja sodobni kapitalizem – sistem, kjer so znanje in informacije vse bolj v ospredju ekonomske moči in vrednosti. Ta sistem, ki ga zaznamujejo globalizacija, tehnološki napredek in nenehna inovativnost, ustvarja novo ekonomsko in socialno družbeno realnost. Na prvi pogledi si ustvarjalnost in sist...
Hammond, Trenton
Orthodontic treatment is one of the final phases of dental treatment. Its use is to provide aesthetics in some cases, yet the quality-of-life aspect that it can provide is greatly underestimated. Orthodontic care can provide proper function of teeth, improve facial structure, avoid tooth decay/loss, and improve gum health (AAO, 2024). Within this r...
Mouralis, Guillaume
When international justice is lacking, citizens’ tribunals appear as a means of kick-starting justice when the will of States is not there. The historic model of the Russell Tribunal in 1967 established that the Americans used prohibited weapons during the Vietnam War, as French historian Guillaume Mouralis points out. He recognizes in today’s emul...
Auriemma, Vincenzo Iorio, Gennaro Merico, Maurizio Tavares Galindo Filho, Lucas
Published in
Frontiers in Sociology
Vernazza-Licht, Nicole
Dans le contexte des changements globaux qui affectent la planète aujourd’hui, l’Ecologie humaine est une démarche essentielle pour interroger les interdépendances entre les populations humaines et leur environnement naturel et social. L’écologie humaine s’appuie sur la pratique de l’interdisciplinarité pour examiner les interfaces biologie/culture...
Lössbroek, Jelle Hulsegge, Gerben
Published in
Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society
Personnel policies specifically for older workers can benefit both the older workers and their organization. It is often assumed that a higher percentage of older workers in an organization is associated with more policies for older workers. We hypothesize that policies accommodating older workers, such as extra leave or a reduced workload, become ...
Saetta, Sébastien Frohlich, Katherine L Le Dref, Gaelle Kivits, Joëlle Minary, Laetitia
Published in
Qualitative health research
When it comes to smoking, apprentices are considered a 'vulnerable' population. They have been the subject of targeted approaches based on the assumption of common characteristics. In contrast to most public health studies, that assume homogeneity of vulnerable groups, this article, based on Lahire's 'theory of the plural individual', aims to exami...