Pauly, Raf Suykens, Ben Verschuere, Bram De Rynck, Filip
In deze working paper vragen de auteurs zich af of de introductie van het nieuwe maatwerkdecreet tot een sterke(re) NPM-achtige aansturing leidt van de sociale economie sector in Vlaanderen? Zien we een overheid die eenzijdig regelgeving oplegt die effectief leidt tot meer nadruk op competitie, efficiëntie en marktproductie?
Yan, Dan
Water shortage has become a major challenge in many parts of the world due to climate change and socio-economic development. Allocating water is critical to meet human and ecosystem needs in these regions now and in the future. However, water allocation is being challenged by uncertainties associated with climate change and socio-economic developme...
Hoang, Long Phi
This multidisciplinary study focuses on projecting and adapting to future hydrological changes in the Mekong – an international river of global significance in terms of rapidly increasing human pressures and climate-change vulnerability. A modelling framework was developed to project future changes in both the river flow regime and hydrological ext...
Dersseh, Waga Mazengia
Potato has multiple benefits and thus can play a vital role in ensuring food security in Ethiopia. However, for diverse reasons, its productivity is low. The farming systems in Ethiopia in which potato is grown, are predominantly mixed farming systems. Most of the research in Ethiopia is focused on crop-specific constraints and thus there is limite...
Iqbal, Shahid
Clean water is indispensable for the sustenance of life and maintenance of health. However, water quality is threatened by changes in socio-economic developments (population growth, urbanisation, livestock increase and sanitation) and climate (surface air temperature and precipitation patterns). Major water quality contaminants include microorganis...
Yao, Mingtian
Water use is increasing globally to meet the growing demand for food and industrial products, and the rising living standard. Water scarcity has been reported in many regions, questioning the long-term sustainability of water use. The objective of this thesis is to better understand sectorial water use development in an urbanizing river delta, and ...
Detailleur, Heidi; 81568; Sonneville, Katrien; 82168; Van der Vorst, Leen; 81559; Vermeersch, Hans; 30055;
THUISZORG VOOR OUDEREN: NODEN? ANTWOORDEN? Regio Zuid-West-Vlaanderen Heidi Detailleur, Katrien Sonneville, Helena Van der Vorst, Hans Vermeersch Een onderzoek in opdracht van ROSE (regionaal overlegplatform sociale economie), projectcoördinatie door Sociaal Huis Kuurne De ‘vermaatschappelijking van de zorg’ legt klemtoon op zorg in het thuismilieu...
le Thanh, L.
The overall objective of this thesis is to study the energy efficiency, GHG emission savings, and the economic viability of biofuels as energy for transportation and to examine the impacts of biofuel policies on food production, welfare, and emission in Vietnam.
Weijerman, M.
Summary Widespread coral reef decline, including decline in reef fish populations upon which many coastal human populations depend, have led to phase-shifts from the coral-dominated systems, found desirable by humans, to algal-dominated systems that provide less ecosystem services, and the loss of functionally important species. Marine resource man...
Slijkerman, D.M.E. Tamis, J.E.