Róiste, Áine de Mulkeen, Majella Flynn, Susan Conroy, Sandra
Published in
This article provides a timely intervention to debates and scholarship about the professional regulation of social work and social care. In Ireland, the recent commencement of the statutory regulation of social care by CORU – Ireland’s multi-professional health regulator – offers a watershed opportunity for learning. Social work has been separately...
Munté-Pascual, Ariadna Matulič-Domandzič, María Virginia López de Aguileta, Ane Aiello, Emilia Elboj, Carmen Valero, Diana Melgar, Patricia
Published in
Frontiers in Sociology
Scientific evidence has shown that Social Work has frequently been considered a second-level discipline in the traditional sexist hierarchy, because pioneers and most social workers are women. The twofold objective of this article is to analyze the dynamics that overcome this consideration and to put forward actions to go further in the near future...
Stjerna Doohan, Isabelle Ghazinour, Mehdi Eriksson, Malin Padyab, Mojgan Sundqvist, Johanna
Published in
Frontiers in Human Dynamics
This qualitative thematic study aimed to examine the placement of unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors in compulsory institutional care in Sweden, to expand knowledge regarding their care and treatment. The dataset comprised official documents and anonymized journal documents from personnel detailing the experiences of twenty-five unaccompanied asyl...
Witte, Ingrid Strandberg, Thomas Gustafsson, Johanna
Published in
Disability and rehabilitation
Gender differences have been found in the outcomes of vocational rehabilitation (VR) and in Supported Employment (SE), therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore employment specialists' (ES) social representations of gender in relation to work and VR and how these social representations influence the ES's work in the VR process according t...
Guzmán, Daniela Villarroel López, Jose Fernández Muñoz, Adriana
Los actuales requerimientos de formación profesional dan cuenta del cambio en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y de la necesidad de contar con herramientas metodológicas acordes a las habilidades vigentes en el siglo XXI. Dentro del modelo constructivista de aprendizaje, modelo pedagógico adoptado por la Universidad de Atacama, una de las técnic...
Turk, Sandra
V magistrski nalogi raziskujem (samo)pomoč posameznikov pri obsesivno-kompulzivni motnji (OKM). V teoretičnem delu predstavim, kaj je OKM, njeno etiologijo in OKM kot anksiozno motnjo. Pozornost namenim vprašanju, ali je OKM bolezen in predstavim družbeno konstrukcijo duševnih motenj in s tem tudi OKM. Nadalje opredelim modele motnje, ki so medicin...
Arnež, Vid
Psihosocialno pomoč pogojuje pogled na razumevanje duševnega zdravja, duševnih težav in njihovih vzrokov. V magistrskem delu izhajam iz predpostavke, da omenjenih fenomenov ne moremo togo opredeljevati v smislu fizične stvarnosti, ki jo lahko identificiramo in preučujemo, temveč kot fenomene, neločljivo povezane z zbirko prepričanj in verovanj, ki ...
Verbič, Leja
V svojem diplomskem delu sem se osredotočila na izzive, s katerimi se spopadajo migrantke pri integraciji. V teoretičnem delu sem pisala o migraciji, pri čemer sem opredelila pojme in jih postavila v zakonski okvir. Navedla sem dejavnike integracije, ki so v literaturi najpogosteje omenjeni, in jih v nadaljevanju tudi podrobno predstavila. Nadaljev...
Lah, Sara
Prostor socialnega varstva je v zadnjem času dosegel spremembe na področju uveljavljanja skupnostne skrbi za ljudi, sodelovanja uporabnikov pri storitvah pomoči in prizadevanja za pluralizacijo storitev. Pri takih premikih je socialno delo bistvenega pomena, saj je ta stroka poslušna za potrebe posameznika in individualnemu načrtovanju potrebne osk...
Sadauskas, Justinas Kewoh-Vainio, Vivian
Published in
SHS Web of Conferences
There were about a 4.1million homeless people in the European Union [1]. In the European Union, 20-30 per cent of homeless people are young people between the ages of 18-29 years [2]. Homelessness is a concern for policymakers and society as a whole. Recent literature on social workers’ experiences with homeless people has mainly focused on working...