The perceived timeliness of information release (PTIR) refers to the public’s overall assessment of the interval between the generation of information and its dissemination. Scholars are increasingly concerned with understanding how PTIR influences subjective well-being (SWB), which encompasses individuals’ self-evaluation of their life satisfactio...
Background Achieving universal health insurance coverage has become a fundamental policy for improving the accessibility and equity of healthcare services. China's Urban-Rural Resident Basic Medical Insurance (URRBMI) is a crucial component of the social security system, aimed at promoting social equity and enhancing public welfare. However, the ef...
Socialna varnost pomeni (javno) varnost dohodka v primerih uresničitve socialnih tveganj, ki zaradi povzročitve izpada dohodka ali povečanja življenjskih stroškov poslabšajo posameznikov socialno-ekonomski položaj. Magistrska diplomska naloga prikazuje pomen pravice do socialne varnosti, pri čemer se osredotoča na socialno varnost delavcev, ki delo...
This study contributes to the discussion about a fair and balanced pension system with a collectively funded pension scheme or social security and a defined contribution pillar. With an invigorated risk approach using financial option positions, it considers the variance of socioeconomic interests of different society-earning cohorts. By that, it e...
Sozialversicherungen entlasten Individuen durch Absicherung elementarer Lebensrisiken, stiften soziale Integration, wirken demokratisierend und stellen zugleich eine rechtsförmige Rückversicherung dieser kulturellen Errungenschaften dar. Allerdings bedarf es einer genauen Reflexion des kulturellen Erbes der Sozialversicherung, damit diese sich nich...
The article proposes to defend the basic income as a pillar of a socio-cultural revolution. This is done exclusively from a literature review and articulation of different works. The introduction section presents the characteristics of a basic income. Section 2 brings how it would mitigate current capitalism problems, which are: increasing inequali...