horrill, tara c. beck, scott m. wiens, allison
Within the fields of oncology practice and research, cancer has historically been and continues to be understood as primarily biologically produced and physiologically driven. This understanding is rooted in biomedicine, the dominant model of health and illness in the Western world. Yet, there is increasing evidence of inequities in cancer that are...
lubicz-nawrocka, tanya bao, xiuxiu
Student-teacher relationships matter in creating inclusive student engagement opportunities in higher education. Student engagement is a wide-ranging topic, and much of the existing literature discusses student course representation (where student leaders gather feedback and work with staff to enhance the quality of courses) and curriculum co-creat...
Korkie, Yolande Beyers, Christa Swanepoel, Eben
Published in
Frontiers in Education
While it is widely acknowledged that inclusive education policy is the suitable approach for addressing the diverse needs of South African learners, research in the pilot stages of Education White Paper 6 warned that the implementation of this policy would be complex. Studies have elucidated that there is a chasm between policy and theory on the on...
lozano paredes, dina lucila saavedra, hiromi okada moscoso cuaresma, julio ricardo azabache moran, carlos alberto norma, katherine diaz cruz, mirella esther salazar seminario, vania lucia pinto, jhosep layseca, tarek amer
Fairtrade, present in Peru since 1990, has been widely studied for its impact on agri-food production. This research, based on convenience surveys conducted with leaders and members of cooperatives and agri-exporting companies during the 2024 Peruvian Expoalimentaria fair, examines the benefits and challenges faced by producers in their pursuit of ...
Vangeli, Anastas
Purpose - This study aims to critically discuss and reorient the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) debate toward the idea of addressing and rectifying the pervasive structural inequalities that DEI, in its undiluted form rooted in social justice (SJ), aims to combat. Drawing on Bourdieu, the study first examines the diffusion and contestation o...
Lapsley, Daniel Carlo, Gustavo Davis, Alexandra Fabes, Richard Laible, Deborah
Published in
Frontiers in Developmental Psychology
Tind, Anitha M Hoeck, Bente Andersen, Helle Elisabeth Qvistgaard, Laura Wacher Delmar, Charlotte
Published in
Public health nursing (Boston, Mass.)
Nursing is historically, ethically, and theoretically mandated to champion social justice. To investigate how the concept of "social justice" has been explored in nursing research regarding extent, range, and nature. The five-stage framework by Arksey and O'Malley was adopted, and JBI and PRISMA guidelines further informed the study. The search str...
Sánchez Coterón, Lara
The article reflects on the ethical and political implications and the power relations produced by the integration of artificial intelligence computational systems in our society. It analyses how artistic and critical design practices address these questions, identifying certain leverage points to intervene in the different phases of the integral p...
Ramírez Hincapié, Lorena
This paper argues that, despite a few positive developments in recent decades, the global labour landscape is still notoriously marked by forms of precarity, unlivability and exploitation. Thus, while acknowledging that contemporary experiences of work are complex and diverse, it emphasises the detrimental impact that the neoliberal production of p...
Tind, Anitha M Hoeck, Bente Andersen, Helle Elisabeth Delmar, Charlotte
Published in
Nursing inquiry
The nursing profession has a long history of advocating for social justice and health equity, and both values profoundly infuse nursing ethics, theory, and education. Homecare nursing occurs between the patient's daily life at home and the public health care system. Therefore, homecare nurses ideally possess insight into the living conditions and s...