Han, Chao Fan, Zhou Zhang, Rongjun Cheng, Jinkang Sun, Ke Peng, Qian
Published in
Frontiers in Materials
The high volume and unfavorable properties of high-water-content slurries make their treatment difficult and costly. Improving the slurries through prefabricated drains combined with surcharge or vacuum preloading represents an environmental and economic means of reusing these slurries as subsoil. As conventional methods are inefficient in dealing ...
Visser, Tim Ros, Mart Timmermans, Laura
Derikx, P.J.L. van de Kooi, B. Heskamp, H. Rozijn, M.
Due to the gradual increase of intensive livestock farming in the Netherlands, the amount of nutrients in animal manure exceeds the demand for nutrients on arable land at the national level. In order to account for total amounts of nutrient inputs and outputs on farm level by manure, sampling and laboratory analysis is nowadays a major instrument w...
Švedovs, Oskars Dzikēvičs, Miķelis Kirsanovs, Vladimirs
Published in
Environmental and Climate Technologies
Flue-gas condenser is used for cleaning the flue-gases in the energy sector. In Latvia, fuel consumption in the household sector is high, so it is planned to introduce this technology in this sector. In the research process of flue-gas condenser, the focus is on reactor testing, rather than on the work of the sedimentation tank – part of the system...
wiśniewski, paweł
Silicon carbide (SiC) is a promising material for the fabrication of ceramic shell molds due to its high mechanical strength, hardness, thermal shock resistance, and thermal conductivity compared with commonly used slurries. This article describes the test results of casting materials, i.e., SiC-based powders and aqueous binders with aluminum oxide...
Mollenhorst, H. de Ridder, A. Groenestein, C.N.
De Maatlat Duurzame Veehouderij (MDV) bevat een Klimaatlat waarin gecertificeerde maatregelen voor energiebesparing en opwekking van duurzame energie zijn opgenomen. Het was gewenst om deze uit te breiden met maatregelen waarmee de reductie van broeikasgasemissies uit stallen en mestopslagen via de bouw gestimuleerd kan worden. Na eerder uitgevoerd...
Derikx, P.J.L. Boer, E.
Sinds 2017 is het verplicht om vaste mest met mestcode 13 of 43 en mengsels waarin dezemestcodes voorkomen, door een onafhankelijke monsternemer op vrachtniveau te laten bemonsteren. In inrichtingen waar op continu basis mest verwerkt wordt, volgens een min of meer constante procesvoering, wordt een vaste fractie geproduceerd met relatief kleine va...
Waite, Jonathan
Ceramics are desirable materials for a range of mechanical, electrical and biomedical applications, but they can be difficult to form and process. Additive manufacture is increasingly being explored for producing ceramic parts without moulds. In this work, a method for controllably patterning filaments containing high volume fractions of ceramic pa...
Dashevskii, V. Ya. Aleksandrov, A. A. Zhdanov, A. V. Zhuchkov, V. I. Leont’ev, L. I.
Published in
Steel in Translation
In the production of manganese ferroalloys from ore, about 50% of the manganese in the ore is lost. The manganese lost with the enrichment-slag tailings may be returned to the production of manganese ferroalloys by dithionate method of enrichment of the slurries. A technology is developed for the production of high-carbon ferromanganese from concen...
Van Es, H.E. (author)
This study aims to improve the predictive capabilities of flow pattern and depositional behaviour of non-Newtonian, high concentration sand and fines mixtures. The depositional behaviour influences the geometry of the deposit and the distribution of sand and fines particles, which in turn influence the strength and consolidation performance of the ...