In recent years, Sweden has introduced new laws and undergone changes indicating a shift towards a society heavily focused on controlling and minimizing risks, such as those related to serious crimes. This trend mirrors Ulrich Beck's theoretical concept of the Risk Society. The aim of risk minimization is to ensure collective security, but this oft...
This study aims to increase the understanding of the complexity regarding how teachers handle and promote students’ right in relation to their professional roles within the school. This qualitative study is based on semistructured interviews with eight student teachers who are studying to become middle and highschool teachers. The reaserachquestion...
The following study explores the political debate on integration requirements for permanent residence and citizenship in Sweden between the years of 2000 and 2023. Prior research by Christian Joppke shows that Europe is undergoing a policy trend called civic integration, wherein a large number of countries have introduced various types of requireme...
Denna uppsats undersöker vilka roller som kan tillkomma en musikproducent och fördjupa sig i vilka rättigheter och skyldigheter som kan finnas i ett yrke som musikproducent samt vilka verktyg som kan vara viktiga för en nystartande musikproducent. Syftet är att belysa olika typer av musikproducent roller samt att jämföra dem. Intervjuer med två mus...
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur SO-lärare implementerar demokrati- och värdegrundsarbete i undervisningen inom de samhällsorienterande ämnena. Detta har gjorts med hjälp av kvalitativ metod där fyra lärare har deltagit i semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien riktar sig mot hur lärare arbetar med demokrati och värdegrund i de olika SO-ä...
This study analyzes article 12 of the International Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights. The “right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health”.This article is analyzed in the context of herd immunity and mandatory vaccination. The analysis has been conducted through critical discourse...
The aim of this thesis is to gain a deeper knowledge of how the individual and its rights and duties is portraited against the state, in the question of the abolition and reincorporation of the Swedish conscription and has it occurred a dislocation in the relation between the two. To achieve this a qualitative text analysis is combined with a VBF-a...
Uppsatsens syfte har varit att undersöka skolans ansvar och skyldigheter vid fall av kränkande behandling och mobbning. Detta har gjorts genom att studera och analysera doktrin och lagstiftning, enligt den rättsdogmatiska metoden. Slutsatser har därefter kunnat dras utifrån uppsatsens innehåll. Det kan konstaterats att bestämmelserna i 6:e kapitlet...
In the year of 2010 the swedish parlament voted to annul conscript and replaced it with employed soldiers. This study examines the swedish political parties agruments during the debate prior to when the decision was made. The purpose of the study is to gain an understanding of the political parties different position in the debate. The main questi...