Parra Pacheco, Carolina Campos Castillo, Omi Duarte, Cory
The study aims to explore the topic of Trans* Health through a narrative review, allowing us to discuss the social and healthcare frameworks for the trans* population by reviewing relevant publications. The analysis is organized around three main areas: “the relationship of the State with the issue from structural and political perspectives,” “the ...
Castillo Rojas, Katherine Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Elena Valentina Manotas Duque, Diego Fernando
This research analyzes the health system from the point of view of the Health Service Provider Institutions (IPS) located in the city of Cali, Valle del Cauca, assuming as criteria the quality indicators of care established by the Colombian Ministry of Health. Using public information sources, the IPS and indicators were consulted and selected. The...
Lopez Mallama, Oscar Marino Zapata Loboa, Yesmin Alejandra Banguero Mejía, Karen Yiceth Andrade Díaz, Karla Viviana Salazar Villegas, Billy
Introduction: Around the world, health systems have prioritized the performance and quality of health services through specific public policies. This requires reforming current management models and achieving high-quality, safe and efficient health systems. These modifications to the health systems in a State are related to strategies at the social...
Salazar Villegas, Billy Quintero Caicedo, Yulieth Alexandra Balanta Cano, Karina Lopez Mallama, Oscar Marino Andrade Díaz, Karla Viviana
The evolution of the Colombian health system from the 1950s to 2021 has been a complex and continuous process. Understanding the history of the functioning of the health system becomes crucial, as it allows us to learn from past mistakes and identify successful actions to replicate and improve them today. The main objective of this article focuses ...
Mendoza Pineda, Irlanda Libertad
This article aims to present an analysis framework that allows us to distinguish the phenomena of food insecurity and deficiencies in the health system, and their conversion to a food-nutritio-nal and health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico City, in the context of the government of the self-proclaimed Fourth Transformation. Based on...
Chávez Guerrero, Blanca Myriam
The objective of this essay is to contribute elements for the debate on the crisis of the General System of Social Security in Health of Colombia, the fundamental right to health and its implications, and thus to propose other elements for the new health system required by this country, without this essay constituting a reform project. The result o...
Reyes Castro, Pablo Alejandro
Resumen Objetivo: comparar la accesibilidad peatonal de los consultorios adyacentes a farmacias con la de los consultorios públicos de los centros de salud y con los consultorios privados convencionales de atención primaria en la ciudad de Hermosillo. Metodología: se utilizó estadística espacial descriptiva y el método E2SFCA de accesibilidad espac...
Urdinola, Piedad Bejarano, Valeria Espinosa Acuña, Oscar Andrés Do Nascimento Silv, Pedro Luis
Este artículo presenta una caracterización socioeconómica y demográfica de las personas afiliadas al régimen subsidiado en el Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud en Colombia, representativa a nivel nacional a partir de las Encuestas de Calidad de Vida de 2019 y 2020. Luego de realizar análisis de correspondencias múltiples y mapas factoria...
Friera Zavala, Karina Alejandra Pierri, Carla Varela, Ximena
This article is part of a research project that aims to learn the characteristics of meaningful learning experiences in the postgraduate medical training program from the residents’ perspective. Specifically, we worked with the Residency of General and Family Medicine and with two surgical specialties residencies, in the south of the City of Buenos...
Gómez Rojas, Eduardo Salazar Tostado, Angel Salazar Tostado, Vida Babun Castilleja, Tania
Resumen La gobernanza hace referencia a un modelo horizontal de gestión basado en la corresponsabilidad entre el gobierno y las instituciones. Requiere de un cambio radical ético, social, cultural y económico que exige nuevos espacios públicos de participación en los procesos de toma de decisiones. Dicho modelo también se basa en la autonomía, la a...