Gyllenhaal, David Zuckier, Shlomo
Published in
Der Islam
This paper offers a new reading of Q 2:58–59 by way of Muqātil ibn Sulaymān’s Tafsīr and its use of the Hebrew Bible and Jewish or possibly Christian traditions. While the scholarly study of the Qurʾān in its late antique context has often been ambivalent toward medieval Arabic tafsīr, this paper uses the testimony of the tafsīr corpus on a single ...
frey, mathilde
I will read Genesis 3:16 through the lens of Genesis 4. While Eve has become a fixed object in traditional interpretation as a dangerous temptress for man and the cause of humanity’s fall into sin, her story does not end in this chapter. Eve’s creative agency as “mother of all living” becomes the framework for the drama that unfolds in Genesis 4. H...
Popošek, Manca
David je poleg Abrahama in Mojzesa eden najbolj znanih judovskih voditeljev. Sveto pismo ga opisuje kot pogumnega in močnega v vojni, pa tudi kot inteligentnega državnika, zvestega prijatelja in navdihujočega voditelja. Bil je spreten v igranju glasbil in nadarjen za pisanje psalmov – pesmi hvalnice Bogu. V odnosu do Boga je bil pobožen. Napake, ki...
moore, susan m.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the idea that the misdeeds of ancestors will have negative consequences for their descendants, as encapsulated by biblical quotes about ‘the sins of the fathers’. The prevalence of these ideas in religion and folklore, through the notion of family curses, is discussed, as is an analysis of what constitutes ‘s...
lorenzen, søren
In 2000, David Batchelor utilized chromophobia to describe how achromaticity has been favoured among Western intelligentsia since Aristotle. In contrast to white, hues have been linked to the feminine, the dangerous and the chaotic, and they have often been perceived to be something to abandon or control. The ominous associations remain the same wh...
Carpi, Daniela
Published in
If revenge functions to compensate for inequity arising from an initial transgression, thereby restoring equity, can we speak of restoration of an equitable social or personal situation in Janet Lewis’s novel The Wife of Martin Guerre (1941)? This work belongs to Janet Lewis’s series of three novels based on “Cases of Circumstantial Evidence”, of w...
Tingström, Marcus
In popular culture, religious motifs often manifest through metaphors and symbols intertwined with religious terms and figures. Notably, the realm of hip hop music exhibits a profound resonance with religious themes, a resonance seen throughout history. How artists present these metaphors and symbols vary markedly, based on religious comprehensions...
Stechina González, Amanda
The aim of this essay is to gain a deeper understanding of the Christian (Roman Catholic) discourse on womanhood through the analysis of six artworks portraying Eve and The Virgin Mary in three historical periods between AD 1 and AD 1600. The study focuses on two dominant Christian motifs – The Fall of Man and The Madonna and Child – as these are i...
Martín García, Alfredo
This paper studies female transgressions persecuted by ecclesiastical authorities at the end of the Ancient Regime in the region of Vila Real, in the Portuguese province of Trás-os-Montes, using as the main source of information the wealth of documents from the so-called «Visitas e Devassas» of the archbishopric of Braga. By systematically analyzin...
Aranda Espinosa, Francisco
This philosophical essay delves into the genealogy of sin and forgiveness in Giuseppe Verdi's opera Stiffelio, emphasizing the composer's skill in crafting complex characters and expressing emotions through music. Verdi is defended as an inspired creator, drawing from significant literary works of his time. His bold exploration of social and ethica...