Boumans, Iris
The transition towards sustainable pig production systems is receiving increasing attention nowadays. Pig behaviour plays a central role in sustainability, as it is an important indicator for pig welfare and can also affect other sustainability issues. Understanding behaviour and related welfare consequences requires to understand motivations under...
Garcia Victoria, N. de Zwart, Feije van Weel, Peter Steenhuizen, Johan de Groot, Marco
Wageningen University & Research, BU Glastuinbouw heeft in opdracht van Kas als Energiebron een integraalenergiezuinig teeltconcept voor Alstroemeria ontworpen en doorgerekend. Elementen in het teeltconcept zijn:maximaal isoleren (twee schermen), zorgvuldig ontvochtigen met een Ventilation Jet, isoleren van de bodem,energiezuinige bodemkoeling en “...
Kroes, J.G. van Dam, J.C. Bartholomeus, R.P. Groenendijk, P. Heinen, M. Hendriks, R.F.A. Mulder, H.M. Supit, I. van Walsum, P.E.V.
Theory description and user manual
Silva, João Vasco
Yield gap analysis is useful to understand the relative contribution of growth-defining, -limiting and -reducing factors to actual yields. This is traditionally performed at the field level using mechanistic crop growth simulation models, and directly up-scaled to the regional and global levels without considering a range of factors intersecting at...
Groenendijk, Piet Boogaard, Hendrik Heinen, Marius Kroes, J.G. Supit, Iwan de Wit, Allard
This report describes a soil nitrogen module (Soil-N), which is combined with the agro-hydrological model, SWAP, and the crop growth model, WOFOST. The core of the Soil-N module is a description of the nitrogen cycle, which is coupled to the organic matter cycle based upon the RothC-26.3 model. Nitrogen can be supplied to the soil as different type...
Liu, K.
Background and aims Food structure is determined by its composition and the interaction between the compositional or structural elements. Both food structure and the texture perception of foods undergo dynamic changes during different phases of oral processing. During oral processing, both rheological and tribological properties of foods are releva...
Agogo, G.O.
Background Measurement error in exposure variables is an important issue in epidemiological studies that relate exposures to health outcomes. Such studies, however, usually pay limited attention to the quantitative effects of exposure measurement error on estimated exposure-outcome associations. Therefore, the estimators for exposure-outcome associ...
Wilde Barbaro, E.
In this Section, we summarize the most important findings and relevant issues treated in detail in Chapters 2 to 5. The primary conclusion of this thesis is that it is necessary to take aerosols into account to accurately describe the convective atmospheric boundary-layer (CBL) dynamics and the land-surface processes. We reached this conclusion by ...
Brunel, T.P.A.
This report presents a framework to model density dependent growth for the North East Atlantic mackerel. The model used is the classical von Bertalanffy equation, but modified so that growth is reduced when stock size increases. The model developed was able to reproduce quite closely the trends in the observed historical weight-at-age data. This fr...
Klok, J.B.M.
Abstract Biogas, synthesis and natural gas streams often require treatment because of the presence of gaseous hydrogen sulphide (H2S). About 25 years ago, a biotechnological gas treatment process was developed as an alternative to the conventionally applied technologies. This process is known as the Thiopaq process and offers a number of advantages...