Elissen, Hellen Baars, Johan Hol, Stefan Schnabel, Sabine van der Weide, Rommie
This report starts with a literature review on the topic. From literature it is known that fungi can selectively digest lignin, thereby releasing other components which may subsequently be easily converted into biogas during anaerobic digestion of normally recalcitrant compounds. In addition, several authors have found that commercial fungi can be ...
Baptist, Martin
Barel, J.
Met dit keer schimmels en paddenstoelen: de recycling-medewerkers van de bodem. Als met de herfst ook de regen over Nederland wordt uitgestort duiken ze overal op: paddenstoelen, de voortplantingsorganen van schimmels. Eenmaal boven de grond, of aan de buitenkant van een boomstam, vertellen paddenstoelen het verhaal van hun omgeving. Om met de woor...
Meussen, Bas Johannes
Fossil fuels, including oil, natural gas, and coal are primary energy sources and account for 86% of the world’s energy consumption. These fossil fuels are also used as a feedstock for the production of chemicals and materials. It took millions of years to form these fuels from biomass and their consumption is therefore considered non-renewable. At...
Rövenich, Hanna J.
Plants establish intricate relationships with microorganisms that range from mutualistic to pathogenic. In order to prevent colonization by potentially harmful microbes, plant hosts employ surface-localized receptor molecules that perceive ligands, which are either microbe-derived or result from microbe-mediated plant manipulation. This recognition...
Sedaghat Telgerd, Narges
The button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus var. bisporus, is one of the most cultivated mushrooms worldwide. Even though wild isolates of this variety have a broad genetic variation, the traditional and present-day hybrids only have a very narrow genetic base. The button mushroom has a typical meiotic recombination landscape (MRL) in which crossover (C...
Hofland-Zijlstra, J.D. Breeuwsma, S. Noordam, M.
Wageningen University & Research Glastuinbouw heeft binnen het project Duurzame teeltstrategie een brede kennisinventarisatie uitgevoerd om een geïntegreerde systeemaanpak voor beheersing van kasluchtschimmels te ontwikkelen. Dit project is gefinancierd door het voormalige Productschap Tuinbouw en begeleid door LTO Glaskracht Nederland. In 2016 zij...
Andreo Jimenez, Beatriz
Rice is the most important food crop in the world, feeding over half the world’s population. However, rice water use efficiency, defined by units of yield produced per unit of water used, is the lowest of all crops. The aim of this thesis was to study the effect of plant hormones and the root microbiome on drought tolerance in rice. The new plant h...
Zandveld, Jelle
Dietary restriction (DR), a moderate reduction in nutrient intake, improves health or extends lifespan across many species. Moreover, recent insights have shown that also the effects of specific nutrients are of importance for the beneficial effects of DR rather than intake alone. However, we still lack much insight through what mechanisms the life...
Hofland-Zijlstra, J.D. Boon, H. van den Berg, A. Vermunt, A.
Door toenemende druk op de toepassing van veen vervangende producten in het substraat en afnemendgebruik van breed werkende fungiciden worden meer risico’s verwacht met overmatig groeiende saprotrofeschimmels. Deze schimmels zijn niet direct schadelijk voor het gewas, maar wel voor de productie. In dezeadvieskaart staan de herkenning van de schimme...