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with san Juan de la Cruz as keyword
Ferrer, Pilar
This research work seeks to highlight the influence that the great Span-ish mystic St. John of the Cross has had on the work of Karol Wojtyła-John Paul II,how Wojtyla met the Spanish mystic through Tyranowski and the influx found in Wojtyla’s PhD work. St John’s of the Cross authority and influence forges Wo-jtyla’s "style of thinking", which matur...
Honorato, Diego
The article examines the particular reception Valéry made from the poetry of Saint John of the Cross, the Valerian conception of the “mystic” and the expression «Mystic without God». The main thesis of the article argues that the love crisis that Valéry lived in the so-called “Night of Genoa” (1892) is decisive for understanding both his reading of...
Montes Betancourt, Mónica
This article focuses on the links between the Mysticism of the Spanish Golden Age, especially the poetry and reflections of Saint John of the Cross, and three works of Leopoldo Marechal —Odas para el hombre y la mujer, Laberinto de amor and Sonetos a Sophia y otros poemas—, as a significant sign of a period that is enriched with metaphors and symbo...
Portela Lopa, Antonio
This paper reconstructs a single representation that took place on December 23th of 1942, at the Teatro Principal of Córdoba. It was the dramatized version, carried out by Pablo García Baena, of the main poetic works of Juan de la Cruz (Dark Night, Living Flame of Love, Spiritual Canticle and the poem «Un pastorcico solo está penado»). These pages,...
González Suárez, Lucero
Este artículo es una reflexión filosófica sobre los rasgos esenciales de aquella estructura del ser del hombre donde se halla escondida la presencia esencial de Dios: el centro del alma. La tesis por demostrar es que la condición de posibilidad de la unión mística es la presencia escondida de Dios en el centro del alma. Comienzo por explicar que la...