Giraud, Timothée
osrm is an interface between R and the Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM) API. OSRM (Luxen & Vetter, 2011) is a routing service based on OpenStreetMap (OSM) data. This package enables the computation of routes, trips, isochrones and travel distances matrices (travel times and kilometric distances) based on the OSM road network. It contains five fun...
Yahyaoui, Haythem
Futuristic network applications like telesurgery, virtual reality and teleportation require high infrastructure performance (i.e., latency, bandwidth, packet loss). Unfortunately, traditional network infrastructures are suffering from numerous shortcomings make them unable to provide the minimum required performance for such applications. These sho...
El Aalaoui, Abderrahmane
Grâce à leur large champ d’applications, les réseaux de capteurs sans fil, sont devenus de plus en plus omniprésents dans notre vie quotidienne. Les performances de ces réseaux dépendent de la qualité des capteurs de chacun d’eux. Malgré leurs faibles ressources et leurs courtes durées de vie conditionnées par une alimentation épuisable, les capteu...
Camara, Daniel
This document is submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches degree at Sorbonne Université. It presents the studies I have been involved with since the beginning of my researcher career. It pays particular attention to the subjects I have conducted at the French Gendarmerie, and the projects I intend to...
Khan, Mohammad Rizwan
Wireless Mesh Network is an answer to the last mile problem. It offers easy deployment and provides coverage over large area with fewer wires. Nevertheless, its limited throughput is inadequate for next generation applications. Motivated by its features and advantages, we propose a solution to mitigate this problem of limited throughput by leveragi...
Leconte, Mathieu Paris, Stefano Leguay, Jérémie
International audience
Mouchet, Maxime Vaton, Sandrine Brun, Olivier Belzarena, Pablo Amigo, Isabel Prabhu, Balakrishna
Nous nous intéressons à l'optimisation des stratégies de monitoring actif dans le but d'optimiser le routage dans un ré-seau overlay. Notre approche est d'exploiter la stabilité des différentes routes en caractérisant les délais par des chaînes de Markov cachées (HMM) et de formaliser le problème comme un processus de décision markovien (MDP). Nous...
Kengne Tchendji, Vianney Paho Nana, Blaise
Wireless sensor networks (WSN) face many implementation’s problems such as connectivity, security, energy saving, fault tolerance, interference, collision, routing problems, etc. In this paper, we consider a low-density WSN where the distribution of the sensors is poor, and the virtual architecture introduced by Wadaa and al which provides a powerf...
Astudillo Brocel, Gabriel
Wireless ad-hoc networks are data networks that are deployed without a fixed infrastructure nor central controllers such as access points or base stations. In these networks, data packets are forwarded directly to the destination node if they are within the transmission range of the sender or sent through a multi-hop path of intermediary nodes that...
Audéoud, Henry-Joseph Heusse, Martin
LRP construit un arbre de collecte et des routes descendantes depuis le puits vers les capteurs. Son objectif est de réduire autant que possible le nombre de messages générés pour le routage, parfois au prix de la garantie d'utiliser les plus courts chemins disponibles. De plus, LRP permet la réparation locale de l'arbre et assure à tout moment l'a...