wanyi, su deng, yuzheng pan, xuejuan ailing, li zhu, yongjie zhang, jitao siting, lu liao, weibiao
Calmodulin-binding transcription activator (CAMTA), as one of the transcription factors, is involved in performing important functions in modulating plant stress responses and development in a Ca2+/CaM-driven modus. However, genome-scale analysis of CAMTA has not been systemically investigated in roses. Rose (Rosa chinensis Jacq.) CAMTA gene family...
Kunc, Nina
V doktorski disertaciji je bila preučena biokemijska sestava plodov in cvetov osnovnih vrst avtohtonih slovenskih šipkov (Rosa spp.), njihovih v naravi rastočih spontanih križancev ter sodobnih sort, ki izhajajo iz njih. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je skupna vsebnost fenolnih spojin v osemenju analiziranih plodov v naravi rastočih križancev večja v pri...
Bideaux, Kévin Fregonese, Pierre-William Grisard, Dominique
« Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose ». À la manière d’un mantra, cette citation de Gertrude Stein invite à considérer la rose pour ce qu'elle est, tout en évoquant un imaginaire associé à cette même rose. Glissant de la fleur à la couleur, Rose is… donne à voir le rose tel qu’il est, dans ses différentes nuances, tout en offrant une exploration ap...
Chichande Torres, Nayeli Morán Apolo, Kelly Enderica Armijos, Hermán Pizarro Romero, Kelvin
In the field of international trade, floriculture is considered one of the most outstanding agricultural activities in the production of high-value crops, so that it contributes significantly to the generation of employment and income, which is why rose exports meet an important role in the economy of the countries, being feasible for the income of...
narandžić, tijana ružičić, sanja grubač, milica pušić, magdalena ostojić, jovana šarac, veljko ljubojević, mirjana
Urban horticulture represents a sustainable way of dealing with the challenges of modern cities, including urbanization processes, population growth tendencies, a lack of green areas, environmental pollution and food insecurity. This study aimed to (1) investigate the perceptions of citizens of Novi Sad municipality, Republic of Serbia, toward urba...
stoian-dod, roxana l. dan, catalina morar, irina m. sestras, adriana f. truta, alina m. roman, gabriela sestras, radu e.
Seed germination is a crucial stage in the life cycle of plants, and understanding the factors influencing germination is essential for successful cultivation, plant breeding, and conservation efforts. The genus Rosa, commonly known as roses, encompasses a diverse group of flowering plants renowned for their beauty and fragrance. Rosa germination i...
Farber, Charles Shires, Madalyn Ueckert, Jake Ong, Kevin Kurouski, Dmitry
Published in
Frontiers in Plant Science
Herbicide application is a critical component of modern horticulture. Misuse of herbicides can result in damage to economically important plants. Currently, such damage can be detected only at symptomatic stages by subjective visual inspection of plants, which requires substantial biological expertise. In this study, we investigated the potential o...
Ikei, Harumi Song, Chorong Miyazaki, Yoshifumi
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
Introduction As modern societies are often stressful due to urbanization and artificialization, the physiological relaxing effects of natural environments or nature-derived stimuli on humans have attracted attention and scientific data are being accumulated. It is known that there is inter-individual variation in these effects. The study aim was to...
Ouyang, Lin Leus, Leen De Keyser, Ellen Van Labeke, Marie-Christine
Low non-freezing temperatures and short days are two main environmental factors that can independently or collectively initiate cold acclimation in temperate perennials. Freezing temperatures are required for the full development of mid-winter cold hardiness. In the present study, six rose genotypes with different cold hardiness levels were selecte...
Kunc, Nina Schmitzer, Valentina
Vrtnice so na slovenskih zasebnih vrtovih zelo pogoste okrasne rastline, vedno bolj pa se sadijo tudi na javne površine. So zelo zanimive rastline za javne mestne površine, saj predstavljajo estetski, ekološki, tehnični in sociološki potencial. Za javni mestni prostor se izbira sorte po kriterijih, kot so: odpornost na vročino, nizke temperature, s...