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with rolling time as keyword
yang, shuya pathak, sujan tang, haiyan zhang, de chen, yuqiong ntezimana, bernard dejiang, ni zhi, yu
A non-targeted metabolomics approach and sensory evaluation, coupled with multivariate statistical analysis, systematically uncover the impact of the rolling time on the quality parameters of black tea. GC-MS analysis reveals that a moderate extension of rolling time favorably contributes to the accumulation of characteristic aroma components in bl...
zhao, qilin xianlei, hu liu, xianghua
Mechanical parameters, time consumption and energy consumption are important considerations in the application of a certain rolling process. This study aims to investigate characteristics of the roll force, roll torque, roll power, rolling time and total work in multi-pass asymmetrical rolling of strip. Mathematic models were built using the slab m...
Neugebauer, Reimund Herold, K. Altmann, W.
In the manufacture of outer profiles that go beyond the common attachment and drive threads, cutting-type production still dominates. The advantages offered by rolled profiles remain unused. In order to open new fields of application for profile rolling, development work is being carried out for rolling materials of higher solidity and for rolling ...
Neugebauer, Reimund Altmann, W. Herold, K.
In the manufacture of outer profiles that go beyond the common attachment and drive threads, cutting-type production still dominates. The advantages offered by rolled profiles remain unused. In order to open new fields of application for profile rolling, development work is being carried out for rolling materials of higher solidity and for rolling ...