Polanc-Podpečan, Gizela
Govorica rituala ima v Šeligovi dramatiki pomembno stilno vlogo, saj predstavlja pozabljen praizvir govorice kot emocionalne vezi med človekom in kozmosom. Prvinska funkcija govorice je klic, nagovor, ki vabi v sobivanje človeka smrtnika in vse reči, ki so se nekoč odgodile, vendar so prisotne kot sestavni del kozmosa. Zato je govorica rituala simb...
Pauha, Teemu
Published in
Frontiers in Psychology
It is a common assumption that human behavior is guided by a desire to feel safe and avoid harm. However, this view is challenged by the popularity of high-risk leisure sport and other practices that involve subjecting oneself to a considerable danger with no apparent gain. By using real-contact stick fighting as an example, I suggest that the attr...
Ronquillo-Arvizu, Martín Acosta-Zamora, Mariano
Resumen. El presente artículo tiene como propósito explorar las formas de interpretación de la enfermedad entre los rarámuri. Mediante entrevistas y observación en distintos periodos de trabajo de campo intentamos dar cuenta de que, a padecimientos como la tuberculosis, la diabetes o la hipertensión, se suman sintomatologías corpóreas y anímicas -e...
Kroulik, Milan
The text develops a new philosophy and infrastructure of thought based on empirical encounters between Buddhist practices and thought, media theories, cinematic thought, philosophy of the body and general anthropological issues in such a way that all parts influence and transform each other. This creates a fluid text whose conceptual anchoring is c...
Žižek Urbas, Andreja
Prispevek predstavlja poskus razbiranja implicitnih in eksplicitnih mitičnih elementov v zbirki kratke proze Vlada Žabota Bukovska mati, kjer se protagonisti – sicer dediči moderne subjektivne zavesti, ki se je formirala v novoveškem romanu, v kratki prozi pa je še radikalizirana – znajdejo v neobvladljivem mitičnem svetu. Atmosfero tega sveta sest...
Pegge, Alexander
This thesis explores forms of collective action, broadly defined as commoning, which have emerged to attend to the needs and desires of communities in the Yeo Valley, a rural area of southwest England, in the face of the uncertainties that characterise the Anthropocene. It draws upon participant observation and interviews conducted between 2019 and...
d'Hérouville, Xavier Caulier, Aurore
In the Renaissance, to say that an Italian was "furbo" (tricker) was a compliment. In those daystrickery - like facetiousness and mischief - was the hallmark of great minds,gifted minds, we would say more specifically today. Leonardo da Vinci may be renowned for the excellence of his pictorial achievements, but the intelligence of his works seen th...
MacLellan, Jessica
Published in
Frontiers in Human Dynamics
During the Middle Preclassic period (c. 1000–350 BCE), the people of the Maya lowlands transitioned from a mobile horticulturalist to sedentary farming lifestyle, exemplified by permanent houses arranged around patios and rebuilt over generations. Early evidence of this change has been found in northern Belize, in the Belize Valley, and at Ceibal, ...
Bodin, Vera
I denna uppsats analyseras ritualer, aktörer och det materiella på ett stickcafé beläget i ett mindre samhälle på Sveriges landsbygd. Dessa element betraktas, i uppsatsen, som ett sätt att skapa gemenskap, där gemenskapen träder fram genom dessa aspekter. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur relationer, både mellan människor, och människor o...
Fredmark, Hugo
This study examines the impact of traditional rituals in truth and reconciliation commissions (TRCs) on the social reintegration of ex-combatants in post-conflict societies. Little is known of how traditional rituals can contribute to transitional justice mechanisms in reintegration ex-combatants and this thesis aims to contribute to this by asking...