Čebular, Gašper
Uporaba membranskih procesnih sistemov za pripravo pitne vode na podlagi razsoljevanja morske vode je na globalnem trgu v intenzivnem razvoju. Membranske tehnologije se hitro razvijajo, a so omejene na delovanje pri visokih tlakih. Razsoljevanje z reverzno osmozo poteka zaradi vzpostavitve tlaka v sistemu, ki je večji od osmotskega tlaka. V delu sm...
Spitsov, Dmitry Vladimirovich
Published in
BIO Web of Conferences
The issues associated with the operation of reverse osmosis plants at the water intake facilities (WIF) for the treatment of drinking water from groundwater sources are described. Ways of increasing reverse osmosis plants performance are considered. The technology of plants modernisation with the purpose of operational costs reduction and minimisat...
Safari, Parisa Rahnema, Hamed Lipscomb, Glenn
Published in
Frontiers in Membrane Science and Technology
Controlled environment agriculture has the potential to enhance agriculture sustainability, a United Nations sustainable development goal. Enclosed agricultural facilities can be used in locations that cannot support field agriculture while reducing water usage and increasing productivity relative to open field agriculture. The primary challenges w...
Kapepula, Vercus Lumami Luis, Patricia
Published in
Frontiers in Chemical Engineering
This study presents an overview of and innovations in reverse osmosis (RO) membrane processes for rejecting charged metal ions in wastewater in relation to the main problems associated with purification methods. It also explains the emergence of nanomaterials and the different methods applied for RO membrane modification to improve performance. Mem...
Polívka, Zdeněk
Cílem této diplomové práce je navržení vhodného technologického řešení pro snížení velmi vysoké tvrdosti v upravované vodě, která by příznivě zlepšila podmínky dodávané pitné vody v obci Chotěšov s návazností na finanční náročnost při vybudování jedné ze zvolených navrhovaných možností. Diplomová práce zahrnuje stávající podmínky provozu úpravny vo...
Komárková, Nicole Anna
Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na nakládání s odpadními vodami v kamenickém průmyslu, konkrétně v Kamenoprůmyslu Letovice s.r.o. Teoretická část práce popisuje procesy čištění těchto odpadních vod s cílem jejich recyklace pro opětovné využití v technologii vodního paprsku. V experimentální části práce je provedeno vyhodnocení stanovených rozboru odpa...
Aung, Htet Zaw Spitsov, Dmitry Pervov, Alexei
Published in
E3S Web of Conferences
Reverse Osmosis method is efficiently and widely used in drinking water production. Treatment of ground water faces three` main problems: scaling of membranes, concentrate handling and permeate ionic composition. A number of ionic pollutants (such as lithium, ammonia and boron) are poorly rejected by reverse osmosis membranes as compared to calcium...
Jeong, Nohyeong Epsztein, Razi Wang, Ruoyu Park, Shinyun Lin, Shihong Tong, Tiezheng
Published in
Environmental science & technology
Recent studies have increasingly applied machine learning (ML) to aid in performance and material design associated with membrane separation. However, whether the knowledge attained by ML with a limited number of available data is enough to capture and validate the fundamental principles of membrane science remains elusive. Herein, we applied expla...
Tomše, Aljaž
Postopki razsoljevanja za pripravo pitne vode so zaradi vse večjega globalnega pomanjkanja kakovostne vode čedalje bolj pomembni. V magistrski nalogi obravnavamo komercialni sistem za pripravo pitne vode z RO iz virov z visoko vsebnostjo ionov, predstavljeni pa so tudi glavni elementi. V eksperimentalnem delu smo ugotovili, da se z večanjem vsebnos...
Alvizuri-Tintaya, Paola Andrea Villena-Martínez, Esteban Manuel Lo-Iacono-Ferreira, Vanesa G Torregrosa-López, Juan Ignacio Lora-García, Jaime d'Abzac, Paul
Published in
Manganese is the Earth's crust's third most abundant transition metal. Decades of increased mining activities worldwide have inevitably led to the release of large amounts of this metal into the environment, specifically in water resources. Up to a certain level, manganese acts as an essential micronutrient to maintain health and support the growth...