Juchniewicz, Andrzej
The article aims to prove that there are autobiographical threads in Hanna Krall’s reportages, which are related to the necessity to hide during the occupation, detention at the police station and the death of her mother. The discovery of autobiographical tropes in Krall’s work may change the reception of her publications. The first coded mentions ...
Delahaye, Maud
En apparence antinomiques, fiction et journalisme de guerre sont toutefois liés. Déclinée sous plusieurs formes et adoptant différentes fonctions, l’incursion de la fiction dans le reportage – et plus encore dans le photoreportage – interroge. La conception classique du journalisme est associée à une mission et à une éthique spécifiques, à savoir l...
Mathieu, Anne
International audience
Delahaye, Maud
En apparence antinomiques, fiction et journalisme de guerre sont toutefois liés. Déclinée sous plusieurs formes et adoptant différentes fonctions, l’incursion de la fiction dans le reportage – et plus encore dans le photoreportage – interroge. La conception classique du journalisme est associée à une mission et à une éthique spécifiques, à savoir l...
Stępniak, Anna
This article concerns the problem of the phenomenon of the Soviet man – a product of the Soviet era, who is a complex, ambiguous and tragic figure. Svetlana Alexievich devotes the fifth book in the series Voices from Utopia to the Soviet man. On one hand, people brought up by the “red” civilization (as Alexievich defines them) were shaped by particip...
Konarzewska, Aleksandra
Published in
Zeitschrift für Slawistik
This paper concerns works by the Polish contemporary author and journalist Mariusz Szczygieł (*1966). I analyze Szczygieł’s Czech reportages (Gottland [2006], Zrób sobie raj [2010] and to some extent Nie ma [2018]) from the perspective of memory studies, focusing particularly on the question of taboo in collective memory and the issue of false memo...
Darska, Bernadetta
In the article I pose a question about the relationship between crime novel and reportage. I am not interested in a simple relation revealed in crime reportage. Rather, I am interested in showing, that a reporter, and a detective often have much in common. In terms of the way they approach a problem, and the pattern of asked questions and formulate...
Bouveresse, Clara
Aare, Cecilia
This article discusses the genre of literary journalism/reportage against a background of earlier assumptions on fictionality. At a local level in nonfiction, fic- tionality can be expressed through invented stories and scenarios that create a con- trast to the global, nonfictive context. However, fictionality can also be expressed through stylisti...
Aare, Cecilia
Hur ser berättelsen om svensk gängkriminalitet ut i tre aktuella reportageböcker och med vilken berättarteknik är den konstruerad? Med en blandning av narratologisk och medieretorisk analysmetod undersöker den här artikeln hur innehåll och form samspelar i Mammorna av Alexandra Pascalidou, Familjen av Johanna Bäck- ström Lerneby och Tills...