nakane, takayuki siercks, eric
This paper addresses writer Itsuki Hiroyuki’s 1966 debut novel Farewell to Moscow Misfits through the lens of middlebrow novels, jazz novels, and repatriates. This novel draws from Itsuki’s personal experience being repatriated from colonial Korea after the war and visiting the Soviet Union in the mid-1960s. Farewell was unique for its time in repr...
김, 정란
Published in
= Cultural interaction studies of sea port cities
본 논문은 1946년 봄, 귀환선을 통해 중국에서 일본과 38선 이남 해 방조선 (부산항)으로 콜레라가 유입되고 대유행으로 발전하는 과정에 주목한다. 그리고 일본으로 들어간 조선인 밀항자들 사이에서 콜레라 환자와 보균자가 다수 발견된 상황을 연합군 최고사령부 (GHQ/SCAP) 와 일본정부가 어떻게 인식하고 처리해 나가는지에 초점을 맞춘다. 당 시 아시아의 여러 지역에서 콜레라가 유행했는데, 이는 일본의 패전으 로 수 백만 명에 달하는 일본인과 일본의 식민지배하에 놓였던 아시 아인들이 본국으로 귀환하는 과정에서 빚어 진 참사였다. 위의 내용을 검토하기 위해 본 논문에서는 먼저 검역이 포함된 공식귀환작업의 내 용과 성격에...
Kaźmierczak, Paulina
The article presents the use of songs in Polish lessons as a part of ludicity strategy. The author shows the methods of introducing students to this way of learning grammar. She presents examples of exercises which can help improve language skills. The article proves that songs are an important part of our environment and there is a need to use the...
Goreau-Ponceaud, Anthony
Cet article propose de mettre en perspective deux groupes de populations tamoules originaires de Sri Lanka aux trajectoires migratoires, statuts administratifs, sociaux et économiques distincts. D’un côté des Tamouls indiens rapatriés du Sri Lanka à la citoyenneté indienne, de l’autre des réfugiés tamouls sri-lankais. La comparaison de ces deux gro...
Kilnes, Ulrika
This paper investigates formal mechanisms of knowledge transfer and assimilation in Large Cap companies listed on the Nordic Exchange, as well as potential reasons to why formal mechanisms are not used or implemented. The findings, that are consistent with previous research on the subject, indicate that formal mechanisms like reports, seminars, mee...
Savarese, Éric
RésuméCet article examine les différents aspects des processus de politisation des enjeux liés aux rapatriés d’Algérie, depuis 1962. Définie en termes de passage des activités sociales ou d’objets collectifs dans le champ politique, la politisation appartient aux processus dont les rapatriements font l’objet, et qui s’inscrivent dans la durée. Dans...
Scioldo-Zürcher, Yann
RésuméII s’agit d’exposer les évolutions connues par la notion de rapatriement qui, depuis le milieu du xixe siècle, s’est enrichie des protections que l’État-nation déployait pour ses membres. D’abord évocateur d’une prise en charge du retour de Français partis à l’étranger, le rapatriement finit par désigner, un siècle plus tard, les aides créées...