Gutiérrez Victoria, Jesús Armando
Resumen A pesar de su aparente olvido, Destierro (1930) ha sido señalado por su autor y por la crítica como un poemario que marcó un punto de inflexión en la obra poética de Jaime Torres Bodet. El presente artículo busca aproximarse a Destierro (1930) a través de uno de sus temas centrales: el sueño. Como se verá, más que un abandono en el inconsci...
Quintana, Caen Pariona Valero Misari, Edith Karina Berrocal Soto, Maria Emilia Vargas Alayo, José Manuel
In the current Peruvian educational scenario, universities face a crucial challenge: the process of renewing their institutional licenses. This scenario highlights the prevailing need for a comprehensive understanding of this process, vital for the maintenance of educational and administrative standards. This article focuses on evaluating the degre...
Rhalizani Palacios, Juan
The symbiosis between the biographical approach and history is almost as old as the latter. It should come as no surprise, then, that reflections on how to write biographies are prolific today, as they have preoccupied a multitude of professional historians over the last two hundred years. Indeed, even older writers, literati and scholars have been...
Ledesma González, Oswaldo
Faced with the loss of competitiveness of tourist destinations, both the Public Administrations and the private sector agree on the need to implement physical and functional renewal processes. Thus, while the renewal processes are being incorporated into tourism policies, the governance model is beginning to be considered appropriate for the manage...
Barros, Carlos
Spanish written version of the lecture: “Menéndez Pidal, Castela e as identidades medievais” given on November 7th 2019 during the “Bienio Pidalino en Galiza” celebrated at the Facultade de Xeografía e Historia de Santiago de Compostela. This event was organized by the Fundación Ramón Menéndez Pidal, the USC and the Dirección Xeral de Política Ling...
Gómez Gastiasoro, Mikel
In this article we shall study the impact that research of the informal empire has had in the Spanish imperial studies. Since the key works that developed and spread the concept in the mid-20th century, multiple historiographies have use it to examine relations of dominion without remaining invasion or occupation. In Spain, we assisted to a renewal...
Rissi, Matilde Oloriz, Mario Guillermo
Resumen El ejercicio de la representación de un determinado sector en los órganos de gobierno ha motivado numerosos estudios respecto de la legitimación de la voluntad del elector por parte del representante, así como el respeto a la voluntad delegada en esos representantes. En el caso particular de las Universidades Nacionales de la República Arge...
Camoni Rodríguez, Daniel
The lack of renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (since December 4th, 2018) shows the need for structural reforms of this constitutional body. On one hand, it is necessary –dealing with the original meaning of the Constitution, the reports of European institutions and the doctrine of the Constitutional Court, the ECHR and the CJEU, – tha...
Rodríguez, Diego
El autor de esta historia mínima, maestro de Educación Primaria y Presidente del Ateneo de Málaga (2009-2017), relata su evolución pedagógica en la que el profesor Ángel I. Pérez Gómez fue determinante. Los hitos importantes que se narran abren a conocer un poco más a este profesor, actual catedrático emérito de la Universidad de Málaga al que home...
Cardella, Sebastián Nicolás
At the 59h Venice Biennale, the brazilian artist Jonathas De Andrade exhibited the image of a dismembered body based on a whole series of typical expressions of familiar and popular brazilian language that, precisely, allude to different body parts. Therefore, in this paper we intend to analyze this exhibition, considering that it reproduces a grot...