Cambron, Trevor W Deines, Jillian M Lopez, Bruno Patel, Rinkal Liang, Sang-Zi Lobell, David B
Published in
Environmental Research Letters
Conservation tillage can reduce soil erosion, increase soil health, and decrease labor and fuel input costs. Despite these benefits, potential yield impacts remain an important concern for farmers considering adoption. Previous research suggests that conservation tillage is likely to have the largest yield benefits in more arid conditions, but a la...
Singh, Kulvir Singh, Manpreet Mishra, Sudhir Kumar Soufan, Walid Habib-ur-Rahman, Muhammad El Sabagh, Ayman
Published in
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Showing salient achievements.
Janmohammadi, Mohsen Sabaghnia, Naser
Published in
A field trail was performed to study the impacts of soil tillage system and some organic and inorganic fertilizers treatments on sunflower performance and soil characteristics in the semi-arid region across 2015–2016 growing season. The tillage systems were (T1) conventional tillage, and (T2) reduced tillage while the fertilizer treatments were (F1...
Connolly, C. Renouf, M. A. Nothard, B. Milbank, H. Poggio, M. J.
The economic and environmental benefits of practice changes and irrigation improvements are explored based on three grower case studies in the Bundaberg, Burdekin and Mackay regions that consider grower investments in best management practices, including irrigation changes. How the practice changes influenced farm economic and environmental perform...
skow, ingerd
Frequent occurrences of high levels of Fusarium mycotoxins have been recorded in Norwegian oat grain. To elucidate the influence of tillage operations on the development of Fusarium and mycotoxins in oat grain, we conducted tillage trials with continuous oats at two locations in southeast Norway. We have previously presented the content of Fusarium...
Krauss, M. Wiesmeier, M. Don, A. Cuperus, F. Gattinger, A. Gruber, S. Haagsma, W.K. Peigné, Josephine Palazzoli, M. Chiodelli Schulz, F.
For decades, conservation tillage has been promoted as a measure to increase carbon stocks in arable soils. Since organic farming improves soil quality and soil carbon storage, reduced tillage under organic farming conditions may further enhance this potential. Therefore, we assessed soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks of reduced tillage compared with...
Valujeva, Kristine Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Jovita Skiste, Olga Liepa, Sindija Lagzdins, Ainis Grinfelde, Inga
Conventional soil tillage creates suitable conditions for plant growth, but it is an energy and labor-intensive technology causing ecologically unfavorable changes in the soil. In order to reduce GHG emissions from agricultural soils, reduced soil tillage and different crops have been proposed. However, the impact of individual practices on GHG emi...
Schurer, Burret Herbert, Zwanet van Hal, Ollie Wagenaar, Jan Paul Koopmans, Chris Janmaat, Leen Schepens, Jonas
Bankina, Biruta Bimšteine, Gunita Arhipova, Irina Kaņeps, Jānis Darguža, Madara
Published in
Rural Sustainability Research
Reduced tillage is considered as one of the main tools to save biological diversity; however, it increases pressure of diseases, including wheat leaf blotches. The aim of present study was to clarify the impact of reduced soil tillage on the development of winter wheat leaf blotches in different schemes of crop rotation. The impact of different gro...
Adeux, Guillaume Cordeau, Stéphane Antichi, Daniele Carlesi, Stefano Mazzoncini, Marco Munier-Jolain, Nicolas Bàrberi, Paolo
Cover crops (CC) have been proposed as a promising ecological tool to manage weeds and increase crop productivity. We hypothesized that the repeated use of CC could increase crop yield directly through nitrogen release and/or indirectly through a modification of weed communities. Data were collected on CC biomass, weed biomass, weed community compo...