Macías Rodríguez, Héctor Jaime
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) constitute one of the central elements of today's society. Its development and expansion have enabled the emergence of new forms of communication, particularly through digital social networks. This article presents the results of a research whose purpose was to know the use that young high school stu...
Barros, Antonio Teixeira De
The article analyzes the political strategies used by militant citizens in the virtual environment. The theoretical foundation is based on studies on social media and digital activism. The methodology consists of 32 interviews with citizens engaged on Facebook and Twitter to assess their perceptions of their activist practices, interests and motiva...
Barros, Antonio Teixeira de
Trata-se de estudo com o objetivo de analisar o ativismo político digital no Facebook, praticado diretamente por cidadãos ativos nas mídias sociais, sem o patrocínio de um coletivo ou instituição. A metodologia consiste em etnografia digital e 30 entrevistas com cidadãos engajados no Facebook, com o objetivo de avaliar suas razões militantes, autop...
Vanesa Racioppe, Bianca
This paper presents findings from an on going investigation about digital spaces for the exhibition of the artistic. The objective of the project is to analyze the curatorial logic bothon internet platforms specifically created to share this type of material and in spaces configured from other design logics, such as digital social networks. In this...
Barba Ramírez, Alondra Anadary
In a context precarious by multiple structural inequalities, among them the predominance of the racist imaginary due to indigenous policies and the hegemonic media, technological appropriation through using of digital social networks motivates the younger Wixáritaari generation to assert themselves. their right to communication and free expression,...
Massuchin, Michele Goulart Sousa, Suzete Gaia de
Este artigo faz uma análise comparativa sobre como jornais regionais brasileiros - “A Tarde” (Nordeste), “Correio Braziliense” (Centro-Oeste), “Diário do Pará” (Norte), “Gazeta do Povo” (Sul) e “O Globo” (Sudeste) – se utilizam do Facebook como ferramenta para distribuição de conteúdo jornalístico. A literatura tem mostrado a migração dos jornais p...
Villagómez Manrique, Alan Roberto Acosta Gonzaga, Elizabeth
The use of digital social media (DSM) as a marketing strategy has become a fundamental practice for companies around the world. In Mexico, 99.8% of enterprises are small and medium-sized (SMEs) and, despite their importance, there is little literature on the use of DSM as a marketing strategy in Mexican SMEs. Also, the pyrotechnic industry of Tulte...
Marques Moreira, José António Lima Santana e Santana, Camila González Bengoechea, Aitor
The development of the Internet, and in particular of digital social networks, have decisively stimulated learning beyond traditional educational structures. With Web 2.0 and the growth of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter or YouTube, network learning and the potential of these networks as a source of access to information and knowledge hav...
Oliveira, Kaio Eduardo de Jesus de Magalhães Porto, Cristiane Alves, André Luiz
In december of 2012, the Gangnam Style video became the first youtube clip to reach over one billion views. Many of its viewers reconfigurated the original production broadcasted on the website, creating and sharing their own takes on the video, replicating this material through social networks. This way, each viewer demonstrated their own creative...
Riorda, Mario Conrero, Sofía
This article adopts an organizational focus in order to analyze how local public administrations in Latin America are changing due to social media use. We based our findings on the evidence collected by a Gobernautas study (Gobernautas y ciudadanos: los gobernantes latinoamericanos y la gestión de redes sociales, 2016) that looked at districts in t...