Analiza vpliva železniške infrastrukture na poslovanje Luke Koper
Predictive maintenance can help infrastructure managers to reduce costs and improve railway availability while ensuring safety. However, its accuracy depends on reliable data from various sources, especially track measurement data. When analysing track data over time, historical maintenance actions must be considered, as otherwise the interpretatio...
This paper focuses on the perspectives of passengers who were railway users and how railways as a service can be uplifted with technological advancements through the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICTs). For this purpose, a questionnaire was designed comprised of six sections related to information on socio-economic-dem...
FRMCS je naslednja generacija železniške komunikacijske infrastrukture, ki bo nadomestila obstoječi sistem GSM-R. Sistem bo omogočil sodobnejšo, učinkovitejšo in varnejšo železniško komunikacijsko infrastrukturo, ki bo podpirala prihodnje potrebe evropskih železnic in omogočala nadaljnjo digitalizacijo in avtomatizacijo železniškega prometa.
This contribution is focused on the presentation of individual research results aimed at evaluating the socio-economic impacts associated with increasing the safety and reliability of the railway transport route. The goal of the research is to propose and subsequently verify an original approach for assessing the impact of the implementation of inv...
Magistrska naloga se ukvarja s problematiko hrupa v mestu. Hrup povzroča degradacijo prostora, ker naredi kraje neprijetne za življenje. Ima več virov, za mesto je najbolj problematičen prometni hrup, ki se v urbanem okolju povečuje. Omejevanje hrupa prometa je težje, ker na njega vpliva več dejavnikov, med drugim hitrost vožnje, tip motorja in voz...
When a wheel passes over a rail surface irregularity, the resulting vehicle excitations lead to the application of additional system forces to both the track and the vehicle. These forces contribute to an accelerated track geometry deterioration, which in turn results in increased costs. In a recent paper, a clear correlation between the presence o...
Léon Lalanne (1811-1892) fut un ingénieur des Ponts et Chaussées, un acteur de la révolution de 1848 et de la IIIe République naissante, et un savant expert reconnu pour son action dans le développement ferroviaire. Il participa aux révolutions après s’être converti à la République, a côtoyé les réformateurs sociaux, visité l’Europe en voie d’indus...
This study investigates the determinants of user satisfaction in railways by using both machine learning techniques and econometric models. In particular it assesses the impact of service quality attributes and the ability to conduct on-board activities on overall satisfaction. The analysis is based on data from a large-scale satisfaction survey wi...
Estimating line impedance is relevant in transmission and distribution networks, in particular for planning and control. The large number of deployed PMUs has fostered the use of passive indirect methods based on network model identification. Electrified railways are a particular example of a distribution network, with moving highly dynamic loads, ...