Abstract 1. Introduction PowerPoint is the most widely used presentation software tool. As of 2012, PowerPoint had more than 200 million presenters worldwide. Presenters all over the world use the program. Some use it for university teaching, others for business meetings and some even use PowerPoint to deliver a sermon. But the program doesn’t alwa...
Het is een van de grootste ergernissen van promovendi: co-auteurs die meeliften op jouw artikel. Collega’s, begeleiders of promotoren die weinig hebben bijgedragen, maar toch een graantje meepikken. Kan dat zomaar? Een taai en lastig probleem.
Al decennialang wordt wetenschappelijke kwaliteit en invloed op dezelfde manier gemeten. Maar deugt die methode nog wel in een wereld die door digitalisering en social media ingrijpend is veranderd? Altmetrics biedt een alternatief.
Most scientific journals provide guidelines for authors - how to format references and prepare artwork, how many copies of the paper to submit and to which address. However, most official guidelines say little about how you should design and produce your paper and the chances that it will be accepted. This book provides a comprehensive but focused ...
Between September 1967 and March 2001, Geoderma published 100 volumes containing 2079 papers covering 31,637 pages and filling 191 cm of shelf space. No doubt that is a lot of paper, but what is in it? This paper starts with a brief history of the journal and an overview of editors and a geographic breakdown of the editorial board. The contents of ...
This paper describes the history of the International Society of Soil Science (ISSS), including a regional analysis of memberships and an overview of the ISSS main activities. The ISSS was founded in 1924 by, mainly, European agro-pedologists who were interested in establishing standardised methods of soil analysis and soil classification. In total...