Bruns, Axel
The ‘filter bubble,' and its close relative the ‘echo chamber,' must be amongst the most pervasive and pernicious metaphors in communication studies in recent decades. They imply that, through their own agency or the workings of search engine and social media algorithms, individuals or groups of users have become ensnared in communicative spaces wh...
widholm, andreas roosvall, anna
Scholarly discussions around the significance of journalism for democracy and the public sphere have traditionally centered on news and political journalism. Consequently, there is a dearth of studies on the role of politics in other journalistic subfields. This paper addresses this research gap by examining the democratic contribution of cultural ...
Bajrami, Demush
Published in
SEEU Review
There is currently a global debate about the so-called media transformation, or metamorphosis, which is mainly concerned with technological benefits in the realm of information. This argument focuses on the relationship between "social media" and new media realities, specifically the impact that these platforms have on the development of political ...
Ruiz-Castell, Pedro
Published in
HoST - Journal of History of Science and Technology
During the second half of the 1950s, Spain received economic and technological assistance from the Western bloc, which encouraged a transformation of the country’s socioeconomic structures. Spanish political leaders adopted a technocratic approach to increase the efficiency and economic growth of the State. However, they also aimed to normalize rel...
Cej, Karmen
Magistrsko delo poskuša orisati ženski pogled na položaj žensk v javni sferi slovenskega prostora ob koncu 19. stoletja do začetka 20. stoletja. Pomembno vlogo pri oblikovanju teh stališč so imele prav intelektualke, ki so tako v javnih kot zasebnih besedilih premišljevale o položaju žensk v javnosti in ovirah, ki so preprečevale ženskam večjo vlog...
Aarset, Monica Five Aarset, Monica Five Rosten, Monika Grønli
This article aims to discuss how Muslims participating in the Norwegian public debate experience what we refer to as representation work activism. Building on Conner’s and Rosen’s understanding of activism ‘as acts that challenge the status quo and seek to reconfigure asymmetrical power relations’ (Conner 2016, 2), we discuss activism as a particul...
Mahmutović, Melika Lovec, Marko
The last decade saw the issue of polarisation garnering increased scholarly attention. While political polarisation has been almost unequivocally studied as synonymous with ideological polarisation, scholars have recently addressed polarisation along partisan lines manifesting through strong in-group favouritism and out-group unfavouritism, labelle...
Sugeno, Yuki Koizumi, Masanori
Published in
Public libraries and public spheres have been widely studied over the past three decades. In recent years, several studies have comprehensively reviewed past research results to reveal the main issues, concerns, and research topics in the field of public libraries and public spheres. These studies have elucidated that the research theme of public l...
hirji, faiza
In this article, I address the inadequacies in how we currently conceptualize spaces for dialogue and debate around issues involving race and religion. Even in a climate where many organizations now acknowledge equity, diversity, and inclusion requirements, there are still numerous challenges, particularly for racialized individuals, including thos...
Sadr, Omar
Published in
Frontiers in Political Science
This paper proposes a theory of democratic pluralism instead of democratic minimalism developed by Shadi Hamid in his book “The Problem of Democracy”. Democratic pluralism will leverage pluralism to create a possibility for reconciliation between liberalism, secularism, religion, and democracy. It presents a framework of democratic pluralism based ...