Ziller, Monika
Published in
Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis
Bibliotheken müssen ihre Interessen im politischen Prozess sichtbar machen, besonders hinsichtlich Ausstattung und Finanzierung. Bibliotheksleitungen sind oft an Loyalitätspflichten gebunden und können ihre Interessen nicht öffentlich vertreten. Freundeskreise und Fördervereine sind hier entscheidend, da sie unabhängig von arbeitsrechtlichen Verpfl...
Bäßler, Kristin
Published in
Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis
Wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken im 21. Jahrhundert sind von zentraler Bedeutung für Bildung und Forschung. Sie dienen als Informationsinfrastrukturdienstleister und bieten ein breites Spektrum an Wissensressourcen. 15 große wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken haben sich zusammengetan und gemeinsam mit dem Deutschen Bibliotheksverband die Kommunikationska...
Amon Prodnik, Jernej Vobič, Igor
Sourcing practices are among the central research topics within the sociology of the media. Empirical studies have analysed what and who are the major journalistic sources, demonstrating that the selections journalists make not only depend on their subjective choices, but are connected to the norms and routines established in the profession. While ...
Mešić, Aida
Družbena omrežja so v trenutnem času postala učinkovito orodje za komuniciranje z javnostjo na vseh področjih, vključno z zdravstvenimi ustanovami. Slovenske zdravstvene ustanove imajo pri svojem delu veliko priložnosti za uporabo družbenih omrežij, a hkrati tudi omejitev. Zdravstvene ustanove lahko s pomočjo družbenih omrežij objavljajo novice o r...
Al Hadeed, Ali Yahya Maysari, Ihsan Aldroubi, Mohammad Mahmoud Attar, Razaz Waheeb Al Olaimat, Farhan Habes, Mohammed
Published in
Frontiers in Sociology
Public relations practices are widely accompanied by communication and persuasion. Especially today, when new media platforms provide direct accessibility, communication through PR has become more improved. This research focused on media organizations in the UAE, with a special consideration given to their audience content management. The researche...
Flores Cabello, Luz María
This study aims to examine how public relations professionals in Peru faced ethical and reputational risks and to understand, from their perspectives, how prepared entrepreneurs would be to address reputational risks. Given the context of the COVID-19 situation, this work justifies its significance as the use of digital tools has permeated all leve...
Martínez Hernández, Melissa Lizbeth Mendiola Cortina, Juan Alberto Hernández Rangel, María de Jesús
Community communication and public relations have become fundamental strategies to promote citizen participation and social development in local communities in Mexico. The objective of the research was to analyze the constitutional and legal framework that currently regulates the practice of public relations and community communication in Mexico, i...
Lippmann, Walter
Dans ce texte, Walter Lippmann, essayiste et éditorialiste, explore la question de la formation des stéréotypes dans l’esprit des individus. Il examine le rôle des perceptions, des préjugés et des expériences passées dans la création de ces stéréotypes tout comme leur importance dans la constitution d’une opinion publique par les citoyens américai...
Lang, Petr
Published in
E3S Web of Conferences
The article analyses the provisions of the domestic legislative base and legal doctrine on the subject of content characteristics of modern environmental law. In particular, the issues of the concept and content of the subject of environmental law are investigated, separate positions of domestic researchers and specialists are studied, the author’s...
Vrdelja, Mitja
Doktorska disertacija obravnava komuniciranje cepljenja – temo, ki je aktualna bolj kot kadarkoli prej. Raziskovalni fokus je usmerjen v proučevanje vprašanja, kako in zakaj se matere majhnih otrok vključujejo oziroma ne vključujejo v komuniciranje na področju cepljenja. Pri tem poglobljeno proučujemo njihove značilnosti, stališča in smo pozorni na...