Esplugues, F. J. Andújar, I. Esplugues, J. V.
Published in
Frontiers in Pharmacology
Introduction Pharmaceutical spending accounts for a significant portion of public healthcare budgets. To manage these costs, EU countries implement various cost-containment policies, including competitive tendering for pharmaceuticals. This study examines the impact of EU public procurement regulations on medication procurement practices. Methods A...
romero, anjhinson esenarro, doris
Cost overruns, delays, and poor quality are frequent in public investment projects under the contract modality, executed by the Executing Unit: Special Project Huallaga Central and Bajo Mayo (PEHCBM). The purpose of this research is to identify the factors that affect the fulfillment of contracts for the execution of public works in the PEHCBM. Thi...
Brunning, Steven
Public procurement rules that specifically regulate public sector framework agreements only came into force in the UK in 2006. These implement EU directives, the most recent being Directive 2014/24/EU transposed in the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The EU rules are skeletal in nature as they are intended to apply across all EU Member States. T...
ragin-skorecka, katarzyna hadaś, łukasz
The aim of this study was to identify factors that influence satisfaction and dissatisfaction in the use of public e-procurement. The use of IT solutions promotes sustainable development. Hence, there is a need to conduct research that will allow for the best possible adjustment of e-procurement solutions in order to implement them as widely as pos...
Szymański, Jarosław
The purpose of the article. An important element that influences the effectiveness of public procurement is the multi-criteria offer evaluation model. Moving away from comparing offers only in terms of their price, a single-criteria model, allows you to choose a more expensive solution, which may turn out to be a cheaper one after many years of use...
řeháček, vladislav
Stavebnictví se vyznačuje unikátností každého projektu a jeho specifickými charakteristikami. Sezónní stavební projekty, zejména v oblasti školství, přinášejí zvýšenou míru nejistot a rizik, avšak zároveň reprezentují významnou příležitost pro malé a střední stavební společnosti. Tato práce se zaměřuje na analýzu rizik spojených s rekonstrukcemi šk...
Haugen, Hans Morten
Published in
Nonprofit Policy Forum
Diaconal actors, constituting the main share of health and caring institutions within the non-profit sector in Norway, face challenges as well as opportunities. The article analyzes the political framework that diaconal actors do operate under. Opportunities include strong political acknowledgements of the societal role of non-profit actors, decisi...
Huyse, Huib; 13330;
Dit syntheserapport beschrijft de belangrijkste bevindingen en aanbevelingen van de eindevaluatie van het TruStone initiatief voor de periode 2000-2024. Het TruStone initiatief biedt ondersteuning aan lokale besturen en bedrijven die aan de slag willen gaan met due diligence in de natuursteensector. Naast een evaluatie van de drie hoofddoelstelling...
sanda, mihai-răzvan siminică, marian-ilie avram, costin-daniel popescu, luminița
The core of sustainable public procurement lies in its ability to stem uneconomical public expenditures that waste taxpayer money and stifle social trust and development. The external audit of public procurement proves problematic since current research fails to provide sufficient empirical studies aimed at identifying procurement fraud. The develo...
Pate, Ana
Javno naročanje predstavlja pomembno orodje za izpolnjevanje potreb države, lokalnih oblasti in drugih javnih subjektov. Učinkovit sistem javnega naročanja, ki je prilagojen lokalnim dobaviteljem, lahko izboljša lokalno gospodarstvo in z njim povezano lokalno samooskrbo, ki je trenutno v Sloveniji izredno nizka. Z učinkovitim sistemom javnega naroč...