Barrios-Tao, Hernando Díaz-Pérez, Vianney
Los vínculos entre datos, algoritmos y dispositivos configuran desarrollos de sistemas fuertes de inteligencia artificial que impactan en los modos de ser y estar en el mundo. El artículo se orienta establecer implicaciones psicopolíticas de las inteligencias artificiales sobre el cuerpo, mediante una hermenéutica analógica de textos (2010-2021) en...
Guerrero Quiñones, José Luis
This paper aims to explore and offer different hypotheses that could account for an adequate understanding of the duty to die and its relation to biopolitics from two neglected approaches. First, death will be analysed from a biopolitical perspective to understand the crucial role it has in biopower. Second, the focus lies on the two-folded implica...
Guerrero Torrentera, Carlos Alberto
Resumen El artículo aborda tres discursos culturales en la red, la psico, la bio y la necropolítica. Con ellas, la sociedad contemporánea piensa e incide en las relaciones subjetivas, de género, clase, raciales, étnicas, ideológicas, migratorias, de crímenes de Estado o crimen organizado. A este proceso le llamo sociodiceas: amplios conjuntos narra...
Almeyda, Juan
La presente investigación tiene por objetivo analizar los postuladosfilosófico-políticos presentes en la obra de Byung-Chul Han, con el fin de, pormedio de una exégesis de su pensamiento, proponer el concepto de prácticas deamabilidad como un proyecto ético-político, enfocado en desarrollar lo que el autordenomina una “praxis de la demora”, la cual...
Botero Bernal, Andrés Orlando Aguirre Román, Javier Almeyda Sarmiento, Juan David
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how the current state of neo- liberal capitalism, understood as an achievement subjectivity (synthesis of discipline [Foucault] and control [Deleuze and Guattari] that is cata- lyzed by digitality [Han, Berardi, Fisher, among others]), focuses on ex- ercising a colonization over time as a structural and f...
Almeyda Sarmiento, Juan David
This paper seeks to articulate a proposal for human disobedience within the current society dominated by the Master Neoliberal Discourse. In order to achieve this objective, I mainly resort to elements of Lacanian and Frommian psychoanalytic theory, together with some theoretical resources on the psychodynamics of Cristophe Dejour’s work. Thus, the...
Blasco Ejarque, José Luis Tirado Serrano, Francisco Javier Rovira Martorell, Joan
Abstract This article analyzes the role of citizen science as a post-biopolitical (psychopolitical) dispositive of domination and subjectivation in citizen scientific practices within the neoliberal societies of the 21st century. In this sense, it analyzes how the NBIC (nano, bio, info, and cogno) convergence establishes a technoscientific historic...
Arbeláez Echeverri, Diana Carolina González Castaño, Juan Alejandro Vélez Peláez, Carlos Andrés
In this article, we propose to show the different resonances that exist between the dystopian literature works Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and 1984 by George Orwell and the philosophy of Byung-Chul Han. We want to highlight how, in both the dystopian works and Han's philosophy, it is possible to anticipate and question, simultaneously, the eth...
Jiménez Villar, Beltrán
The main ideas of Han’s thought are built against concepts of Foucault's philosophy: psychopolitics as overcoming biopolitics, transparency as a non-perspectivist panopticon and self-care as the most effective technique for dominating individuals who submit voluntarily while believing that they are free. In this paper I evaluate this reading, under...
Ávila Barba, Mauricio
Resumen La incorporación de la universidad pública a la lógica de la empresa y del mercado, así como las consecuencias que ello ha traído para los programas educativos en filosofía, se han denunciado desde diferentes instancias, tales como el Observatorio Filosófico de México. Por ejemplo, se denuncia que, bajo esta lógica, la filosofía está en rie...